Power Kite Forum

Love the Libre Bora 3m & 4.5m- Looking for larger Bora...

jeepersjoey - 24-11-2012 at 06:28 AM

I really like the way this kite handles.

I was off the forum for a few weeks (work got in the way!) and missed the two that recently came up for sale.

So...anyone have the larger BORA kites gathering dust that they would consider parting with?

jeepersjoey - 12-1-2013 at 09:20 PM

It has been 45 days so I thought I would throw the request out there again.

Anyone have a Libre Bora 5m they want to sell, trade, donate, lend, etc?

Bigger might be interesting as well!

Proletariat - 24-1-2013 at 08:00 PM

Hiya JJ. I hope you find one before Sunday so I can try it out! Erm... I mean so I can enjoy watching you fly it! :)

jeepersjoey - 24-1-2013 at 09:02 PM

Did you see Kent is getting PL f1200 arcs?

Want one?

Btw...nobody seems to have a Bora. SAD.

treblehook - 25-1-2013 at 06:27 AM

U2u sent about a 4.5 m

Proletariat - 26-1-2013 at 06:36 PM

I saw that. That's too big / scary for my blood. They are impressive, though. I hope that bora works out. A 4.5 would be awesome.

jeepersjoey - 27-1-2013 at 08:16 PM

I would say that we have made a deal. A 4.5m Bora will soon be mine.

Life is gooooooooood.

I never rest...

jeepersjoey - 4-2-2013 at 07:54 PM


Now I have a 3m and 4.5 Bora. I have really connected with them.

I was looking at Ebay UK and there is a 13m Bora for sale there. The seller will not ship to the USA.

Anyone in England (Bristol) want to pick it up and send to me?

Let's talk! hehe

jeepersjoey - 9-5-2013 at 08:31 AM

Still looking so I figured that I would throw this out again.

Anyone have a Libre Bora they want to sell (or trade if that is more interesting)?

hvkmike - 20-5-2013 at 06:34 PM

Still looking? I happen to have 7m & 8.5m Bora's.

Good Winds

jeepersjoey - 21-5-2013 at 05:07 AM

Postage from Ireland scares me. I bought a BuggyBag from England and shipping was far more than I expected (I am kind of dense).

So...with that introduction...what $ are you asking?

You can send a private message 2U2 if you like.

bison - 21-5-2013 at 12:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jeepersjoey  
Anyone have a Libre Bora they want to sell?

I have an Bora 8.5, in great shape, if your interested.

hvkmike - 21-5-2013 at 04:09 PM

If sent by regular post,it isn't that bad.An alternative is having someone who is visiting carry it back.I know people here who travel over to Canada & U.S. Also friends from Canada who visit Ireland who could take across the pond to cut cost....but then you are playing a waiting game.
HAdn't given a lot of thought about price.I see people asking in the $400 range for the 7m.I simply responded as I saw your post & realized I had these kites & they are not being used.We get lots of wind here & it's rare to get light wind days here to fly that size kite.
You are welcome to make an offer if you like.
The 7m is white with blue leading edge strip & the 8.5m is orange with black LE.Both are in great condition.
Good WInds

jeepersjoey - 21-5-2013 at 05:19 PM

2U2 sent to you both.

8.5m BORA sounds deadly!