Power Kite Forum

Speed 4

krumly - 2-12-2012 at 03:08 PM

I see Flysurfer has come out with the Speed 4 in 8m and 10m. Anyone here flown them?

The reflexed trailing edge when depowered looks interesting. It should result in the kite being able to fly at a very low angle of attack while also being autostable in pitch. I presume the trailing edge comes down to create a more typical cambered section when powered up. That should equate to a big depower range.

All that coolness comes at the typical high price tag.


Feyd - 2-12-2012 at 03:50 PM

One of the FS guys I ride with has one. If I can pry it out of his hands I'll give it a shot and let ya know.

Kamikuza - 3-12-2012 at 04:29 AM

I've read nothing but good things - seems Foilzone is down, but guys have said they're bloody grunty!

DemBones - 12-12-2012 at 08:33 PM

There is a review on extremekites.com.au

powerzone - 12-12-2012 at 10:28 PM

i did one review here on PKF and there is afew reviews on foilzone...

anything specific you'd like to know?

herc - 15-12-2012 at 03:04 AM

two additional, innovative aspects of flysurfer speed4:

* nylon wires in the leading edge for a better aerodynamic profile especially when depowered (no more dents ), hence even better upwind capabilites (in theory)

* speed4 is a true two-linerow wing ! it has A, B and Z / brake line rows. this is something that is found only on high performance competition paragliders !

* adaptive profile as mentioned by krumly (something peter lynn was talking about years ago: a depower kite without pulleys, just changing the profile.. -- he did not succeeded or contiunued the research)

what i am curious about is the brake / bar pressure for the bigger sizes. i would not be surprised if they need to go back to the two-pulley setup because of too high bar pressure with the current 1-pulley - lineplan for the 19 or 21 sqm sizes ...

andy666 - 15-12-2012 at 02:38 PM

I doubt that they will go back to a 2 pulley setup, as removing one pulley has offset the extra weight of the leading edge ribs. This will apparently keep the larger speed 4's the same weight as the speed 3's. if they didn't, would by a 21m speed 4 for light wind if it weighed more then a 21m speed 3?
I assume that's why they have also gone back to 1 deflate opening. Every gram helps.

powerzone - 15-12-2012 at 08:25 PM

they removed the bridle row because the new canopy rib wire battons create the positive AOA so a bridle row is not needed anymore to achieve stability, its all in the canopy form of the wires. they still put afew mid-kite bridles for insured stability but there is no need for a row, thus simpler bridle

the bar pressure is still light, not heavy or hard. its still less pressure than the older pulse/psycho/speed models. only barely more than the speed3 but even then its negligible difference. you can still kite a good 3-4 hr session and your hands/arms will not be fatigued.... bar pressure is not a concern or issue at all.