Power Kite Forum

Bigger or smaller?

Snake - 19-12-2012 at 05:00 PM

So my parents might be getting me a kite for christmas and my birthday(my b-day is 4 days after x-mas) so I was wondering if I should go bigger or smaller? Right now on my venom 13m it starts having useable power at around 12-15mph and gets to be a handfull in the low 20's. I wouldn't go out in winds much over 30 because when the wind is that high it is super gusty. I've heard big arcs are for big people and that the low wind isn't very good. Being I weigh 120lb. I'm afraid that if I go bigger the wind range and handeling will suck. I could sell my 13m and get a 10m and a 16m. Or I could get a flysurfer for low wind and then I would know if I like arcs or foils better. I'm not sure what to do.

stetson05 - 19-12-2012 at 10:02 PM

Oh, man if I could answer this for myself I would be able to help you. The right sized flysurfer (13-19) would give you more bottom end. would get you going from 6-12 depending on the surface. For me, the timing on steering was different enough that I realized I prefer bridled foils. A 10m and 16m would give you a wide range and you probably aren't going to get much more bottom end from a bigger (18 or19) arc at your weight. Lots of great things about arcs and you are already used to flying them.

B-Roc - 20-12-2012 at 07:59 AM

It totally depends on whether you spend more days skunked because the wind is too low for you to fly your current kite or too high. Figure that out and decide from there.

I always prefer bigger kites in smaller winds to smaller kites in bigger winds but I can ride board from 7mph to 30 on the kites that I own. Depending upon how much money they are willing to spend may also make a decision for you as smaller kites are less exensive then larger low wind engines. Can't go wrong either way really just need to figure out what kind of conditions will extend your ridng more and go with the kite that addresses those coditions.

erratic winds - 20-12-2012 at 09:03 AM

Always gotta go bigger than smaller on a second kite. Going smaller for high-wind is usually above skill level for new pilots!

I would say my slingshot rev15 is useable on land @6mph, hard to hold down on land about 15mph, and totally overpowered when fully sheeted in on land at 20+mph....

A open cell foil in 12-14m range might be just what the situation requires for ya....useable on land about 7-8mph....

Looking_Up - 20-12-2012 at 09:45 AM

dont forget that the quality of the light wind also maters i dont get my big arcs out unles i have 12-15 because usualy lighter winds indland are shifty and not steady but just the other day i had the best session ever with my 19 V2 and the winds were only 6 to 8 mph steady as a rock though and i was using 30 to 40 meters worth of lines
also at your weight you would not need more than a 16 m arc for light winds and my 16 and 19 fly at exactly the same time if you have enough wind to pre inflate then you have enough to fly

Bladerunner - 20-12-2012 at 04:41 PM

Do you spend more days on the sideline because you are over or under powered? Around here there would be room to go bigger since we have such light winds but only you know your location.

I trust that you already have a ride worked out ? Getting in motion should be your next big goal?

Arcs and foils do fly different enough that you will notice a difference. What will suit you is up to you. If you go Flysurfer go Pulse, Psycho 3 as the oldest models to look at. Before that they were well made but tricky to fly.