Power Kite Forum

Making a kite for a school project

Snake - 20-12-2012 at 09:01 PM

For science fair I was thinking about making a kite. The experiment would be on how the shape of the profile affects the lift to drag ratio and the amount of lift. This means that the kite must auto-zeinth so it can fly on one line to get accurate readings of the lift it creates. Also the kite will need to have its profile easily adjusted. An arc seems to be the best choice.

One small problem though. What airfoil profile should the control be? Two different control profiles could change the results dramaticly. After some thought, I found a soulution. The kite will have no profile. The top and bottom skins will both be flat.

I know what your thinking, an arc with no profile can't possibly work. Well I turns out it does. The yagu on http://2e5.com/ has no profile and it flies well. Thats why I have chosen it to be the kite for this experament. The bottom skin profile can easily be altered with a few floating straps and the bumps can be sewn to create a more airfoil like shape.

I already have the fabric picked out. Black for the bottom and yellow on top. All I have left to do is ask my teacher if this experiment would be acceptable for the science fair.

Bladerunner - 20-12-2012 at 09:24 PM

That has been my favorite since I 1st saw that site! How great if you ca build one ! :thumbup: