Power Kite Forum

Just bought Buster II

grow.old.and.die - 24-8-2006 at 06:21 AM

bit surprised there was no documentation... can anyone point me to any good guide for how to get started etc?

awindofchange - 24-8-2006 at 11:07 AM

We have a basic online tutorial that you can read through. It needs to be updated but will give you the basic information about kiting. Your best bet is to contact someone in your area that kites as well and have them help you out. If you dont know of anyone then you may want to contact your local kite shop and get as much information from them as possible. They will also be able to tell you of other locals in your area, where they normally fly, and other localized information that will help you out.

There is tons of information here on this forum as well as numerous amounts of people with unlimited knowledge.

To get a better response you may want to put a bit more detail in your post as to what your actual questions are....like how do I attach my lines, how do I control the kite, how do I do turns, how do I unpack the kite, how do I hold the kite down, how do I launch, etc... It is easier to answer a direct question than to try and answer an indirect one. Your responses will be better informed for you as well.

Our online guide is here:

Hope this helps and I am sure you will have more questions, just ask away and someone will get you going.

Pablo - 24-8-2006 at 06:35 PM

Where abouts are you located, may be an idea to hook up with some locals, the kite should come ready to fly though, only thing to tinker with is the lift vs stability adjustments on the bridal, make sure to close the wing tip vents, sometimes they're shipped with them open, Took me a couple days to notice on mine.

Are you looking for kite specific info or general flying info?

jinty - 26-8-2006 at 01:35 AM


i too have just bought a buster II and have no instruction manual. have you had any luck finding one? any help greatly appreciated

acampbell - 26-8-2006 at 05:46 AM

I found a link to a Buster Manual on Corey' site....


Pablo - 26-8-2006 at 07:40 PM

I've got the Buster II manual in Adobe format, I can E-mail it to you if you like. Just drop me a U2U or something with your E-mail on it and I'll send it to you.

pea - 27-8-2006 at 12:52 AM

It's in that link acampbell posted: http://www.windpowersports.com/pdf/buster.pdf

Pablo - 27-8-2006 at 10:03 PM

Everything's the same for the Buster 2 exept the cleanout vents and the bridal adjustment, make sure the cleanout zippers are closed when flying, sounds stupid but it took me a day to figure this out, I wondered why the kite didn't fly so hot at first.

The bridal adjustment is changed as well, you don't need to unhook the flying lines any more to adjust the kite's performance, If you want the specific Buster II manual, I have it and can E-mail it to you.