Power Kite Forum

Parasledding - Looks like fun Albeit r.i.s.k.y :)

Brent_P - 10-1-2013 at 05:48 AM

indigo_wolf - 10-1-2013 at 06:10 AM

I really want to see the paperwork on the insurance claims for those.


elfasa - 10-1-2013 at 06:21 AM

That looks immense :)

rocfighter - 10-1-2013 at 06:31 AM

Looks like a lot of pain when something goes a little wrong. I'll stick to snowboard and skis.

shortlineflyer - 10-1-2013 at 09:30 AM

Im surprised the bridles can handle the extra weight. snowmobiles weigh quite a bit.

joedy - 10-1-2013 at 09:56 AM

Yeah, but I'd like to see what happens when the quick release is activated.


Kamikuza - 11-1-2013 at 06:45 AM

Dude needs more hands :lol:

Something obscene here...

skimtwashington - 11-1-2013 at 07:33 AM

What keeps snomobile from spinning sideways?..and rolling on landings.?

'I'm not paragliding fast enough'....

More combinations to come:
Snowmobile polo
Snowmobile bungi jumping
Paragliding golf
Snowmobile half pipe
Snowmobile high diving
Paragliding high hurdles(real high)
Snowmobile luge (speed up gravity)
Paraglide boxing
Crosss country ski paragliding(50k will go muuuch faster)

erratic winds - 11-1-2013 at 08:21 AM

Ok, snowmobile POLO actually sounds pretty darn SWEET!

in a related story, I saw a commercial for "The Dolemite Man" the crazy race in Italy, and it said "paraglide and kayak" and because of this video my brain was trying to comprehend a kayak attached to a glider.....