Slapped together a quick vid of some skiing yesterday. What a difference a week makes in ice conditions! I need a good edge sharpening before my
next outing.
Nice video I have couple questions H ow big is the kite ? How much wind ? When shooting the video does your arm get tired holding the camera?
ThanksCheddarhead - 17-1-2013 at 07:05 PM
Hey T, kite was a 7m frenzy, wind was anywhere from 15-25mph. Holding the pole/camera not so bad, it's just more of an inconveniance because you lose
a helpful hand. I sized way down on kite size because of the slick ice I had to deal with. Later..BEC - 17-1-2013 at 07:32 PM
I would love to have some ice conditions like that where we are...The finger lakes are just not freezing up like they used to...The one I always go on
didn't freeze up at all last year. I mean you could of taken a boat out on it in Jan/Feb and had a couple 60 degree days doing so...
Hope we get some more snow that doesn't melt away too.
Video was great! Made me really miss being out in that open space all to myself..Only the ice fisherman yelling at me that I am going to scare all the
fish away....meanwhile their drunk buddies are doing donuts on a snowmobile or 4wheeler..haha really?
Have a blast this winter...Thats some nice ice!...good for some Hockey too on the non-windy days.razeontherock - 26-1-2013 at 04:38 PM
Conditions are like that here now, maybe a tad more snow but nothing like any actual cover. Hard on ski edges, I guess! Is there any type of blade
that works for this? Hockey skates are too short and would get stuck in the ruts ...Feyd - 26-1-2013 at 09:02 PM
Man that surface looks great. That nice "plastic" grey ice.flyhighWNY - 26-1-2013 at 09:21 PM
BEC keep me posted on conditions your way I would love to get down that way this winter!! I hear some locals here got o Seneca in summer time sure
they hit there in winter too. Decent skiing at Holiday Valley but no snow (<2') here on Lake Ontario shores!!Cheddarhead - 27-1-2013 at 02:39 PM
Originally posted by razeontherock
Hard on ski edges, I guess! Is there any type of blade that works for this? Hockey skates are too short and would get stuck in the ruts ...
I can't think of much else besides skis that would have the long edge. Olympic speed skates might work better than hockey skates but I have no first
hand experience. Ski's work quite well with a good edge tune, but I still get nervous skiing on bare ice. "Feyd" would be the resident expert with
regards to skiing on ice, he puts in more miles on ice in a day than I am old.Cheddarhead - 27-1-2013 at 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Feyd
Man that surface looks great. That nice "plastic" grey ice.
Yes, nice surface but it only lasted about four days, then it warmed back up, snowed a little, people ran all over the lake with four
wheelers/snowmobiles, then it got brutally cold and was then super rough/bumpy. Always different from one time to the next, that's what makes it so
interesting.Feyd - 28-1-2013 at 05:49 AM
Uggggg, that sucks. We have a warm spell coming but there isn't enough snow for the sleds to get to the lakes so when it rains on Tuesday they won't
be able to track it up. We've got PRIME, I mean P R I M E styrofoam windslab surface right now. Total hero snow for edging.