ldlubchenco - 18-1-2013 at 01:56 PM
erratic winds - 18-1-2013 at 02:08 PM
Access, hands down.
The FS Cool is old enough that FS rep doesn't matter so much, the kite is just old. Still an excellent kite, but old-tech. Access is newer, and a
better safety system.
I own and fly a FS Rookie2, which is the same era as the COOL. A nice enough kite, but it's showing its age compared to my other kites. The safety
system is slightly lacking, and it has the least amount of depower of any depower kite I own.
B-Roc - 18-1-2013 at 02:12 PM
Access II is a GREAT kite. Super stable, smooth power, no surprises. Was the cool an open or semi open celled kite, I can't recall. If its semi open
like the pulse that can be a pain to pack down in the snow, IMO - yet another reason to go for the access as it deflates the moment it goes flat on
the deck.
For me, there really is no decision - Access all the way.
erratic winds - 18-1-2013 at 02:46 PM
the cool is an open cell foil. It's very similar to the Rookie2 in terms of AR and construction, with different graphics.....I love snowkites that
have giant snowflakes on them.....