elfasa - 19-1-2013 at 07:39 AM
Might be an opportunity for me to get a 2006 frenzy 10m cheaply.
I'm a bit weary of older depowers, so i'm wondering if this still a good kite ? Obviously it was back in the day.. I primarily buggy, but would like
to improve my landboarding skills too.
This would be my first depower, so I'd need it to be friendly enough for a depower newbie. (pretty experienced with FBs). Could someone also that
knows give me a brief round up of the 06 frenzy, flying characteristics etc. I know it's a bit lifty, which i'm not sure if like, but I don't think it
would be a problem of it wasn't too bad, and controllable in general.
abkayak - 19-1-2013 at 09:12 AM
i have a 7.3 and go 160#s myself....did a lot of fb flying 3-5m before i got on this...use it to landboard more than buggy cause i feel more comfy fb
in a bug....now that i know what i know (admit not much).... a 10 would have been a better size for the board cause it would be out more.... i think
its a fine kite to learn dp with particularly w/ the build quality and all the safety features, thing only lifts me when i want it to but i havent had
it out over low 20's.....if it's cheap you should pounce...i would
elfasa - 19-1-2013 at 11:32 AM