Power Kite Forum

shortening brake lines

pea - 30-8-2006 at 01:48 AM

What knot should i use to shorten the brake lines?


RE: Shortening with NO knots!

Lack-O-Slack - 30-8-2006 at 02:24 PM

Greetings, and welcome, pea!

I can't speak for everyone, but I've never shortened my brake lines in a way that required any additional knots.

Much like a Microsoft product, we shorten lines by first lengthening them!

If you add a piece of parachute cord or 750-lb flying line the bottom attachment point of each handle on your kite (about 12-18 inches long), then attach your brake line to this, you can tie simple, overhand knots in the cord, to lock the adjustment point on your brake lines. Your brake lines, of course, will need to be shorter than your top, or "flying" lines, to accomodate this extra length of cord. However, as your top lines stretch through use, your brake lines will become shorter, so don't over-shorten... use the cordage to adjust lengths. Figure out the length you need, then tie an overhand knot at the anchor-point for each brake line. Tie only one knot, which is easily moved, later on, for further adjustment.

When tying loops in your flying lines, don't use a simple, overhand knot or slipknot... find out how to tie a "figure of eight" knot. This method reduces the stress of the line at the knot, so that the knot does not become the weakest link, or at least not weak enough to break repeatedly, as a simple knot most certainly will.

As Corey Lama taught me, I make all adjustments at the handles, rather than up at the kite, and if set up this way the first time, the lines are quickly adjustable, in the field, throughout the life of the lineset.

-Dooley :moon:

pea - 31-8-2006 at 06:07 AM

ok, i doubt i'll be using that kite much anyway, my buster 3m arrived today. I was wondering, are the break lines are ok slack? It's weird having to keep them tight, unlike my smaller kite.

kitemaker4 - 31-8-2006 at 08:56 AM


I have found with the busters they do like a lot of slack with the brake lines. If you have too much brake the kite will not fly right so play with the lines and see what works best. I have been flying busters for several years and they are great kites for the money.


pea - 31-8-2006 at 03:10 PM

Yeh 2 hours on it today went pretty fast. Fell over and rolled a few times when i was trying a pendulum. I think i'll just leave it how it is untill i'm comfortable with flying it..not used to being pulled off my feet yet :P

Pablo - 31-8-2006 at 05:10 PM

Easy enough to adjust when you want to, they have that quick adjuster on the handles, 3m Buster I likes brakes all the way off, 3m Buster II likes the brakes pulled in between 1"-2" depending on flying style.

pea - 1-9-2006 at 12:44 AM

O yeh i forgot about that. Maybe i'll play with it today.