Power Kite Forum

Kitewing in Ukraine

Anatoliy - 10-2-2013 at 02:29 AM

Hi all.
In our country also develops sports theme. kitewing
It will be useful to exchange knowledge regarding the topic kitewing
Friends, what are the major damages can occur during the use the wings kaytving and how did you deal with them?
Piease share your experiences.

Bladerunner - 10-2-2013 at 09:24 AM


I think kaytving is what we call kiting?

Kites have 2 safety release systems. The 1st will reduce most power from the kite by flagging or tipping the kite. The second will release the kite completely .

Is this what you are asking ?

I think this company is in the Ukraine ?

Anatoliy - 10-2-2013 at 02:30 PM

Our first experimentation on making kitewing.
our videos

Bladerunner - 10-2-2013 at 06:19 PM

OH I get you now !

Fantastic job of building and great videos !

Kamikuza - 11-2-2013 at 04:40 AM

Good job on the DIY! Those kitewings look great! :bigok:

Here is a popular forum in the UK - http://www.wingsurferforum.co.uk/

Damage... leading edge of the sail gets holes from dragging on the concrete. Tip straps too - I carry spares now. Bent spars from crashing - you could break them but I think they'd be easy to replace or fix.

My only kitewing video... not as good as yours!

bourgeois.jason - 11-2-2013 at 05:22 AM

These look really fun. I'd like to try one out some day.

Anatoliy - 11-2-2013 at 02:40 PM

We had a good wind, but there was no snow and we skate skiing on ice.
It was cool.
Make a video clip to show you.
Wipe the sail about on the concrete. It is necessary, in some places, to settle down the protective sheet, which eventually replaced when it starts to break. And you can do it with Velcro.
Sorry for my English, I use online translator:)


Also two of our video.
Lntom windsurfing and kitewing Unikite, winter and foil kites kiitewing Unikite:)
Good luck to everyone.

B-Roc - 11-2-2013 at 06:13 PM

Cool. I love the KiteWing and though I don't own one it was a Skimbat video that got me hooked on power kiting.

Few suggestions... While I see one rider wearing a harness, I don't see a strop / D line to hook in. If you don't have one on the boom, you should add one with a leash attachment to hold the wing near you if dropped. Also, get rid of the helicopters - they foul the air quality :rolleyes:

Anatoliy - 2-3-2013 at 05:13 AM

Hello all.
Many who were interested, compare kite with Uktainian Kitewing Unikite, the same area, in the Battle of the wind and speed:)
Hooray, I have had time to create a video clip, yet the January skiing, where my friends and I made ​​a race kite 5 m \ 2 and two kitewings Unikite 4,8 m \ 2.
The wind was blowing 6 - 10 m \ s. average wind 8 m \ s.
Video clip.

Who are interested to learn more about Ukrainian, send me an email.

alf - 24-1-2014 at 02:50 AM

a mast for low winds
wher can we buy unikite ?

indigo_wolf - 24-1-2014 at 05:02 AM

The only person that I know of that has made a Kitewing on this forum was Brian

His design was nosew, low-cost. This afforded him a low initial cost allow for a budget for repairs.

Custom Kitewing V1.0

Sadly, Brian has been on the forum in over 2 years.

There was an earlier thread on making a replica of a Rage 5.5, but the thread didn't fare well because of the intellectual property issues.

There was another no-sew building on the Sliverfish Longboarding forum.

There are a couple of videos on YouTube of Do-It-Yourself builds.


alf - 12-5-2014 at 12:08 PM

windsurf and kitewing in one


next step , sailing on both sides like a windsurf rig , i need to cut the sail to let the wish pass trough when i jibe

alf - 21-5-2014 at 11:15 AM

i want a shorter mast with bamboo in 2 parts