zalex820 - 11-2-2013 at 11:52 PM
I was searching the web for a new kiteboarding leash and stumbled upon this site. What do you think about this? Do you agree with it or disagree? Or
are they just trying to promote their product?
zero gee - 12-2-2013 at 12:19 AM
I don't think that it is an Ocean Rodeo marketing ploy. It appears to be affiliated to a kite shop in Texas who happen to sell Ocean Rodeo gear. I
think it is a bit shadey way to do it. Personally, I enjoy the added freedom of riding leashless (or balloonless ;-) ) and body dragging to your board
is not that difficult (mostly).
Baluk - 12-2-2013 at 12:35 AM
You don't need the Ocean Rodeo stuff.. that's just blatant promotion of a product.
But seriously, DO NOT GET A BOARD LEASH.
It is the worst thing you can do. Surfers can do it, but when you kite, between the board, you and the kite, it can and will act as a pendulum and
it's extremely unsafe.
Learn to swim, learn to go upwind in the water and you'll never need a board leash.