Power Kite Forum

Charger vs. Charger II

hondamon - 6-4-2013 at 04:12 AM

Greetings all! Been a while since I've been on here.

Just a quick question about the Charger for those of you who own a 2013 and the previous version. What kind of differences do you notice, and are the differences considerable? I have a 15m and a 10m Charger from 2012. Thinking about picking up a 12m at some point. Thanks!

martinipro - 6-4-2013 at 12:55 PM

I understand the Charger II is much more refined (Not as Aggressive).
I'll let Feyd and CarlTB go into the specifics as I haven't flown one myself.

markite - 6-4-2013 at 05:24 PM

Okay there are structural differences with the bridle on the charger 2 going to a simpler 1 pulley bridle which makes it less sensitive (less twitchy) on steering input and I think less bridle tangle. I found the charger one rear portion of the bridle would often twist up as the kite sat flapping on the ground in high winter wind. When I say less sensitive I don't mean that it turns slower, Tia's just that you don't need to keep fine tuning the tracking and steering as often on the charger 2.
The wingtips have been shortened (shorter batten rod) and also pulled out a little wider in the span across the lower tips I posted photos in a thread back in the late fall laying the charger 2 over the charger 1 and also comparing it to the Phantom 2.
Next the number of cells is less by 2 on the Charger 2 so that means slightly wider cells than charger 1.
Overall there is a lot more stability on the charger 2 and I really like using them and have found them still fast and less stalls than the charger 1.
The bar Nav bar has also been changed to get rid of the high line split.

If you get on the arc users forum there are a number of long time arc users that are finding this generation has finally hit the mark feeling like a cross between the Venom and Synergy but some turning speed tweaks.

I found the charger 1 very twitchy going to the smaller sizes and unusable in a buggy because the e tendency to auto zenith very quickly that they would need constant attention and steering correction. Kite skiing they were fine because you could really throw them around and build up speed. Kite surfing the charger 1 is a little less forgiving for the beginner to intermediate user unless you know enough to get it in the power zone and keep the power on otherwise you could get it in and out of the power too fast on the small sizes. I have a 6.5 charger 2 coming and curious to compare it to the 6.0 charger 1 and P2

hondamon - 7-4-2013 at 02:02 AM

Thanks a lot for the input. I really do like my 10m and 15m Chargers that I have now, though I haven't found much time to use my 10m at all for the wind I usually get. A 12m added to the mix would sure be nice and an 18m would top it off, but I would also like a lot of stuff. Thanks again for the thorough reply. Really appreciate it.

carltb - 7-4-2013 at 03:53 AM

good review markite. spot on!! ill just add that the ch2 also drifts well. by this i mean , when you loose line tension, it will drift back downwind without falling out of the sky and also tip clap has been eliminated. with the ch1 you needed to have the kite fully inflated on launch or the kites tips would stick together but ive launch the ch2 at 80% full and it launch just fine.

carltb - 7-4-2013 at 03:53 AM

good review markite. spot on!! ill just add that the ch2 also drifts well. by this i mean , when you loose line tension, it will drift back downwind without falling out of the sky and also tip clap has been eliminated. with the ch1 you needed to have the kite fully inflated on launch or the kites tips would stick together but ive launch the ch2 at 80% full and it launch just fine.

Cheddarhead - 7-4-2013 at 08:58 PM

Increase in bar pressure with a one pulley bridle?

Feyd - 9-4-2013 at 11:13 AM

Maybe a little increase in bar pressure but not much. Worth the trade off for the added stability I think would be the opinion of most people.

The Charger 2 is much tamer than the Charger 1 IMO with less aggressive lift and turn rate. It's so much different that the Ch1 and so similar to the Synergy that I almost think of it as a Synergy 2. (not to try to confuse things) The difference is as stark as the difference between the F-Arc and Phantom 1.

I agree with Mark the smaller CH1 is too fast most of the time. Fun if you are on your game but a hazard if you slack off or lose focus for just a second in high winds. I removed the VPC from my 8m Ch1 and I really like it. Removes a bit of the "Charger Twitch" and still throws around awesome. It's an 8m so it's really not going to turn slow no matter what but now it doesn't go to the Zenith at warp speed if I take my eyes off it. The wind has to be really nukin' for me to bring the 8m out. I may pull the VPC of my 10m as well but I kinda like it on the 10m.

Either way, I personally like both versions of Charger. But there is a huge comfort factor with the Charger 2. Especially for those familiar with earlier "Per-Charger" Arcs. :wee:

carltb - 9-4-2013 at 11:48 AM

i used to describe the ch1 as the syn mk3

hondamon - 13-4-2013 at 04:32 PM

Thanks again for all the comments! Now, if there were only fewer people and mountains here in Korea I'd be able to fly a bit more. :/

hondamon - 30-4-2013 at 04:27 PM

What are your thoughts on the new control bar? Is it worth me getting a new control bar? I'm thinking this summer I'll buy the following:
* 12m Charger (2013)
* 18m Charger (2013)

This will complete my Charger needs, as I have the 10m and 15m now.

Not sure if a new control bar is worth the money though.
