Power Kite Forum

Eventually I'll learn

StebbimacDaddy - 22-4-2013 at 10:51 AM

To not slam my kite into the sand leading edge first. I need to start budgeting for kite repair on top of budgeting for kites themselves. Grrrrr. :mad:

abkayak - 22-4-2013 at 11:15 AM

if i was to pick......i think your talking about the rush?? am i right?

StebbimacDaddy - 22-4-2013 at 11:19 AM

Rush went first, this time it's the tensor. Flying both on bar setups seems to doom them.

abkayak - 22-4-2013 at 11:30 AM

I blew up 2 Rushs.. and I will blame the operator not the Mfg...wouldn’t hesitate to get more HQ stuff.. you may be on to something w/ the bar theory..might make sense :dunno:

3shot - 22-4-2013 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by StebbimacDaddy
To not slam my kite into the sand leading edge first. I need to start budgeting for kite repair on top of budgeting for kites themselves. Grrrrr. :mad:

Oooooh. Sorry about the blowouts.
But I do like the idea of budgeting for kites. Think I'll tell the wife this tonight:
"Sorry honey, no more movies and pizza. We need to roll that money into the kite fund". :yes: :singing:

I'm sure she will understand.....

indigo_wolf - 22-4-2013 at 01:22 PM

If you're flying static and it's obvious recovery is not possible, about the best you can do is develop the reflex run towards the kites as if you are chasing a dog that has your car keys, credit cards and a knowledge of where all the local Dairy Queens are.


Windy Heap - 22-4-2013 at 01:37 PM

That's why I like 4 lines with brakes to pivot turn and not go splat, or at least slam on the brake to minimize impact..............amazing the THUNK/THUMP a inflated foil lump of fabric can make........

revpaul - 22-4-2013 at 04:27 PM

Originally posted by StebbimacDaddy
To not slam my kite into the sand leading edge first. I need to start budgeting for kite repair on top of budgeting for kites themselves. Grrrrr. :mad:

yep either walk/run ahead...or....let go let go let go let go!!!!!

when you are static with feet planted...you let go of the kite no matter where it is and what speed it's doing and it'll immediately appreciate it and reward you with very little chance of damaging itself unless it drops/drags onto something like a barb-wire fence.
You will have a leash on too.
another option is to toss the bar and fly with handles for more control(and better brakes). yes some bars have a third(or 3rd and 4rth) brake line but i prefer handles.
"let go" seems counter-intuitive but it is a skill/reflex you need to have for later on when you progress to other things not static (or even static). if you think you're about to be OBE or lofted you may want to have relfexes to "let go" [of course i am talking about beginner level speeds and so forth.... if one is seriously hauling arse buggying i do not recommend anything other than making sure you got the kite skills before hand. even at that #@%$#! happens.]