Power Kite Forum

2011 Cabrinha Crossbow 16 and 13 and bar

Kamikuza - 26-4-2013 at 05:35 AM

They're up for sale to fund a new board :(

The 16m is purple/blue and has a number of pin holes in the canopy that I've sealed with TearAid - about 12 IIRC :mad: I got it like that when I bought it used, and it's worked just fine for me. $400 + $50 shipping.

The 13m is blacS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n'grey with a red TE. 2 holes in the canopy where the zip tab poked through :mad: otherwise, primo condition. $500 + $50 shipping.

65cm 2011 bar and lines. Used for both kites, works just fine. $200. No shipping.

Take the lot away for $900, plus $75 donation towards shipping costs.

PM me for details. Might get some photos up this weekend...