Originally posted by acampbell
I do not have the depth of experience of Pablo and others but I can speak as a relative newbie with fresh experiences...
I like kite killers, esp. for my larger foils. Ozone makes a pair you can attach to any quad line kite. The leashes are tubular webbing with
elastic cord inside, so they stay short and out of the way until deployed.
The first time I flew my 4.5 and 5.5m foils I was properly afraid, even in modest winds. They hlelped calm my nerves, knowing I could let go any time
and intstantly convert the kite to falling laundry without losing the kite or wrapping a line on somebody. My wife thinks I'm nuts and checks my life
insurance policy every time I leave for the beach, so explaining their function calmed her fears too.
The downside to kite killers I have found is that they make set up and tear-down more cumbersome, as they can get wrapped in the lines and the velcro
makes them stick to each other, worsening tangles. For this reason I am considering quick disconnects at the handle end.
The other thing you'll need are weights to hold down your kite by the trailing edge while you are setting up. Zip lock bags filled with sand are
good. Put them at the the trailing edge between the brake lines so they just roll off when you launch. Theyare also handy when packing up to hold one
end down while you are folding the other, and so forth.
That brings up another disadvantage of larger foils for a beginner: They are a lot of cloth to manage and can be real beasts to control both in the
air and on the ground. I have made a fool of myself a few time wrestling a flogging 5.5 meter and getting all tangled up with the kite wrapped around
me. My 2.5 m is a cinch to pack up neatly on the beach by myself, but my larger foils almost always require re-packing at home in the shade and
shelter of the back yard for the sake of neatness, clleanliness (pulling out sand and dried seaweed) and freeing up tangles.
About 3m is definately the "sweet spot" for your kite bag and as such will give you more value for the money in the long run.
Have fun. |