Power Kite Forum

Sticktion of lines slippage

Windy Heap - 7-5-2013 at 10:34 PM

I'll second the comments on friction of the lines of my 2012 last Gen Soulfly after 3-4 wraps..........sometimes feels like 100 grit sandpaper getting the lines clear....some lines are more slippery than others as previous posters have pointed out to fine fingered fliers.

And yes Jeff, please DO post your line tests.........easy to do with a fish scale for "resistance of pull while twisted" friction test.

Get 10 feet of different types of two lines, Anchor one end(s). Get two trout/salmon fish scales one on each line. Preload lines to XYZ poundage #. Then twist the lines 5 times. Then pull on one of the preloaded scales, and see the addition load amount between different types of lines slippage or "sticktion" numbers.

can you tell I'm an engineer?

If you want, I have 2 digital load cells available with 1000 pound load rating that are accurate to ~+/- 5 pounds accuracy , so lets run some static line tests!

bigkid - 8-5-2013 at 04:15 AM

OK my friend, have a look at the post, kite lines. and let the bantering start.:o

MDK - 8-5-2013 at 04:57 PM

not sure performance with 5 twists is relative? why let it twist so much? with a beginner kite I think durability is more important and I would venture to say that the line set that comes with the Buster will out last 3-6 sets of any other. MO

Windy Heap - 9-5-2013 at 09:11 AM

Yes I reviewed your Kite Lines post, most excellent testing methods for static hung weight and stretch Jeff, great job.

I guess I was volunteering a couple 1000 pound load cells to measure any stiction, WHILE under load.

Get in touch with me when you finally get home after your nomadic travels, I'd like to try some of your buggies and ATB board at Marymore Park this summer.