zx6rman96 - 26-9-2006 at 04:29 AM
So I have my 5m Radsail out...it's probably only the 4 or 5th time i've flown it. My buddy is standing right next to me flying his 3m...the wind was
starting to die down, so he decided to put his up. So i fly my kite to zenith to kinda take a break for min while talking to him. All of the sudden,
a huge gust came out of nowhere. I feel the gust on blowing on my back...then I feel my lines get tiiiiiiiight. Pretty soon...up up and away. It took
me up at least 10ft in the air...and all i can see is the grass moving below me..and i'm half way down the field. I finally come down. A little bit
nervous, but very excited!!! That was awesome. I dont even want to think of what it can do if I actaully try to get some air. Anyway...it was the
first time for me...Awesome!
code - 26-9-2006 at 04:07 PM
Be careful about that stuff. I had a similar thing happen to me this past weekend while on my mountainboard with the kite. I'll admit it that I had a
similar response....SWEET!!!!! Not nearly as high, only about 3-4', but still caught me off guard. That's the stuff that broken bones are made of....
If you park the kite at the edge of the wind window you can somewhat keep it there with little input as well. I've found this to be a bit safer in
some respects unless you get hit by a gust and accidentally shoot it up to the zenith, then you're talking about getting even higher..haha. Other
option is to let the handles/bar go if you have kite killers..may be the safest way out if you're not ready for a journey to the sky.
blitzer - 27-9-2006 at 05:57 AM
Sounds awesome, yet scary. I can't wait to finally try out some kites and finally buy one!
Yoggy - 27-9-2006 at 06:53 PM
Yeah it scares me when a gust hits and it pulls me off the ground but i just hold on knowing i wont go anything higher than 5 foot with my fatbutt as
the pilot.