shortlineflyer - 20-5-2013 at 09:04 AM
So a year or two ago I did a class project that took kite data and searched through it based on answers to several prompts(wind range, skill level,
height, width, etc.). I got the program to work in the class but it was a very basic rendition of what it could have been. I am going to recreate the
program but with upgrades. I will most likely make a servlet so it can be used online. I want it to be able to take a sql database and find results
based on what the user entered. The original program was based around single line and stunt kites, but I can make it work for power kites too.
I plan on making this program either way, but would anybody be interested in getting a copy of it once it is finished.
Purely Luck - 20-5-2013 at 12:00 PM
If you are using Java then I would def like to see a copy of it.
I am a Java Dev by trade. So I would be very interested to see what ya come up with.
If ya have any questions, feel free to hit me up.
shortlineflyer - 20-5-2013 at 12:16 PM
where are you a developer
lives2fly - 20-5-2013 at 01:34 PM
I have been using a little android App called "Kite Up" which has a session logger and wind speed converter & also the ability to add your kites
and the manufacturers wind range. you can then add your weight and it will suggest what kite you should use for any given wind speed.
Unfortunately i already know which kite to use of the ones i own so the last bit is not much use but a program with access to a large kite database
would be great for choosing new kites.
Input experience, style, weight, board size, conditions & location types and see what comes back as the most suitable kites on the market for your
is that the kind of thing you mean? cool project if so. put it online so we can play with it.
shortlineflyer - 20-5-2013 at 01:38 PM
possibly. It is more towards people looking for a new kite, But I can try to include that stuff also or make a separate version
Purely Luck - 21-5-2013 at 06:30 AM
I am actually in transitions between jobs right now. Going from my government healthIT job over to General Motors IT.
Are you a recent college grad?
shortlineflyer - 21-5-2013 at 07:13 AM
I graduated last may. I am just trying to come up with ideas so I can get back in practice. I have not programed in a while and am a bit rusty.
Purely Luck - 21-5-2013 at 07:30 AM
I graduated about a year before ya.
Getting a side project going is a great move. It increases your marketability a ton!
I know whenever I interview people one huge question I ask them is if they work on any side projects. Major ++ if they are/have.
Also, if you don't have any of the front end set up, I suggest checking out
It makes rapid development of simple projects really easy/enjoyable.