Snake - 16-6-2013 at 05:24 PM
Does anyone even do fixed bridle kite loops? I have seen it once in a video. I got bored jumping out camping and I started doing 360's, then I added a
kite loop. All I did differently was instead of a redirect I pulled harder with my back hand. Is a fixed bridle kite loop like an unhooked kite loop?
Are they safe? It feels like it made the jumps less floaty, but that could have been the 360???
sebonze - 17-6-2013 at 08:43 AM
are you talking about kite surf/buggy/ATB?
PHREERIDER - 17-6-2013 at 06:03 PM
kiteloops are a fundamental part of kiting ...with any kite for any purpose.