Power Kite Forum

how to jump

lighty89 - 2-10-2006 at 07:28 AM

i have the hq rush 200 and was wondering whether i could use it to jump. i have used it and was pulled about 10-15 metres using it when it was windy. is there any technique i should use to jump??

raycapp1 - 2-10-2006 at 11:52 AM

not to shore is the rush gives lift ya might be able to adjust it to give more lift but i dont no how to go about it but to jump is down to pratices and timing i found swopping it into the power zone then keeping it into the middle of the power window then send the kite hight give lift then at same time as getting left jump........well thats what i do

pea - 2-10-2006 at 12:51 PM

I found this today http://www.hiflykites.co.za/free-kite-guides/kite-flying-man....

Your english sucks :P

B-Roc - 2-10-2006 at 02:08 PM

This was posted on the flexi forum last week

(Flash player Required)

raycapp1 - 2-10-2006 at 11:28 PM


Your english sucks :P

i cant be good at everthing lol

acampbell - 3-10-2006 at 06:42 AM

The Rush 200 is a great 2-line kite with bar and about 1.3 sq meters area. (many smaller kites are named by their span, not their area).
As such, you will not be doing much jumping- you will get some fun pull in high winds as you found out, but not much lift. It is not designed for it.

Beginners wanting to jump are faced with a conundrum.
Good training kites, often on the smaller side, won't safely lift you. If it does, it will drop you like a rock, risking injury. And any kite that will reliably lift you (5m or more) is not appropriate for a beginner, as it is a bit much to handle in any thing but the lightest winds (where it is bound to be flaky and not so stable).

Learn well on your Rush and then move to a larger 4 line kite. If staying with the HQ line (good kites), consider the Crossfire for good lift. Flexifoil Blades are legendary for their lift.

pea - 3-10-2006 at 08:25 AM

I don't understand this dropping business. My buster 2 3m not made for lift and is too small for proper jumping DOES lift me and i've never been dropped. But then i've only done a pendulum jump.

Why would it drop you?

And with unstable kites, is it just a case of always keeping the lines taught?

acampbell - 3-10-2006 at 08:42 AM

OK I should have said CAN drop you not "will" drop you. Depending on conditions and kite size (and weight), it often takes gust to get you off the ground and a gust is just that- it leaves as quickly and unpredictably as it arrives. Thump.

Bucky - 3-10-2006 at 09:30 AM

Angus is right about those smaller kites.

If you've flown a few different sized kites, you'll notice that smaller kites tend to move quicker, and their pull tends to be less stable than larger kites. When your being pulled across the ground, this is O.K. But when that pull is upwards, it can have nasty consequences.

In order get a small kite to generate enough pull to lift you, that kite has to be moving REALLY FAST! This means that everything the kite does will occur quickly. Now look at 2 different things that happen when you jump:

1. The second you lift off the ground, you begin catching up with the wind and losing apparent windspeed (this is you don't just keep going up). On a small kite, this happens much more quickly, and often when your still on the way up! The result is a really HARD landing.

2. Also, the second you lift off the ground, you begin to swing under your kite, while at the same time, your kite is being propelled higher up the window. You eventually reach a point when your kite exceeds the confines of the window, the result is a collapse or "luff out", when your kite loses its rigid aerodynamic properties, and folds up on you. This is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of flying small kites for jumping. This can happen quicker than you can react, and will happen at the zenith of your jump. The result, is a freefall from whatever height you were at.

Now most all kites can (and will) "shoot the window" when jumping with them. The way a kiter prevents this, is to apply brakes, to bring the kite back down into the window. At this point the kiter relies on the "parachute effect" of the kite to safely bring him back to earth. Small kites simply don't have enough area for this.

pea - 3-10-2006 at 12:05 PM

Maybe i just havn't been kiting enough to collaps the kite while jumping. I have collapsed it while just flying it, quite easy to do when you're not paying attention. I'll try to notice how hard i land next time, it's never been like jumping out of a tree.

Danny1479 - 3-10-2006 at 01:45 PM

Hey Dudes,
Bought Beamer 2 3.6. I'm 16 and weigh 10 stone is this to light to fly this or will i just be able to jump higher. Is there any techniques for this???


animal - 3-10-2006 at 05:17 PM

as the chap said above any kite will pick u up but its the fall that hurts wen u come down im 13 st and was flyin the bmr 3.6 in quite strong winds i got about 4 ft of the floor with a floaty landin tried it again and landed quite hard... if ur lookin for a floaty kite specially for ur weight the crossfire is wicked i know its now a blade but deffinatly more lifty and traction is brilliant my mate couldnt fly his 3.6 bmr whilst i was skuddin nicely... good look with the flying and may the wind be with you lol :moon:

Danny1479 - 4-10-2006 at 12:24 PM

thanks :duh: i've got it now so i'm not going to get rid of it. Having lessons with the local kite shop for kite boarding. Which is very good. I appreciate your advice thankyou.


pea - 5-10-2006 at 01:57 AM

What kites other than blade are made for lift? There's no blades on ebay :(

pea - 5-10-2006 at 01:58 AM

What kites other than blade are made for lift? There's no blades on ebay :(

leebrianh - 5-10-2006 at 05:43 AM

HQ Crossfire from what I heard.

pea - 5-10-2006 at 08:37 AM

Oops, damn thing posted twice. Apart from the crossfire?

awindofchange - 5-10-2006 at 11:32 AM

There are several kites on the market that give tremendous amounts of lift, even more than any Blade. Any surf style kite will have more lift than a blade will, these include Cabrhina's, Caution's, Naish's, Slingshot's, Best's, and more than a dozen other brands. The Peter Lynn twinskins have legendary amounts of lift and excellent glide ratios which will give you huge hang time. Any of the depowerable foils will out-lift a Blade as well such as the Frenzy, Access, Montana, etc...this of course is in the hands of an experienced pilot. An experienced pilot will probably be able to get more lift out of a Beamer than an unexperienced pilot would with a Frenzy.

As has been stated before, any decent power kite will have the ability to get you airborne in the right/wrong wind conditions.

If you are looking for another Blade "Style" kite then the closest I can think of is probably the Ozone Riot.