Michael Gaylan - 22-6-2013 at 06:16 AM
Strangely I am looking for a set of handles. yea...
But if any of you have a set that you're not using any more and would like to make a generous contribution to a noob, then please give me a shout.
KAZEDOKA - 22-6-2013 at 06:37 AM
In a pinch, You can produce you'r own custom set of handles from PVC tubing. Just sayin
Michael Gaylan - 22-6-2013 at 09:22 AM
yea I was thinking of using either CPVC or PVC but didn't know if they would hold out good enough. Bending it is a snap with a little heat and end
caps to finish them off.
I am making a set from aluminum tubing that I cut from an old back pack that was more dry rot than usable. So I sacrificed it on the alter. The bent
angles seem perfect, but the aluminum tube is skinnier than I would like. I also need to get some lines to put into them. Any suggestions what type to
use, since the regular kite lines would probably not be the best thing to use?
Bladerunner - 22-6-2013 at 11:59 AM
PVC handles are great.
Not 100% sure how strong the backpack frame will be ? Is it already bent to a good shape for 2 matching handles?
Set out a pattern on a block with nails and they will all end up the same. Heat them to set them in the pattern.
Some leader line and grip tape and you are off.
Michael Gaylan - 22-6-2013 at 06:25 PM
I have a LOT of CPVC/PVC around the house, so I may try make a set this week. Yea, bending them isn't a problem because I have used heat to even make
one end a "bell" instead of couplings. I have a 4"x6"x60" oven just for bending pipe and solid surface.
I will set a board up per your suggestions to make them equal in angle.
And yes the angles are exact in the frame for the back pack. One handle off each side and the same length. The frame has sides that mirror each other,
and each side was bent at the factory. I just don't like the thickness of these aluminum handles compared to handles I have used.
They might last a few hours, It will give me what I need to know in order for me to make a set I am satisfied with. I was looking at some aluminum
supplier sites, and of course it is expensive to buy standard lengths of 10 ft when I only need about 4. If this set of CPVC handles come out good
enough I will eventually get some aluminum, and make a nice set. I have a tubing bender already.
Thanks for the response. I learn a lot from you guys.