Power Kite Forum

HQ Toxic 5.0M ( Video of me )

SFKITER - 26-6-2013 at 11:37 PM


Flew the HQ Toxic 5.0 on a Static fly today great kite extremely stable kite!

cheezycheese - 27-6-2013 at 05:27 AM

Link no good...

lunchbox - 27-6-2013 at 06:18 AM

Sier_Pinski - 27-6-2013 at 08:19 AM

SFKITER, I notice in your signature that you have quite the collection of fixed-bridle power kites. How would you compare the power and stability of that Toxic you flew to the other 5-meter kites you got? I'm thinking of getting one myself sometime later, particularly the 8-meter as an ultra-lightwind kite for landboarding.

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3shot - 27-6-2013 at 03:53 PM

That's a nice looking kite I must say.

SFKITER - 27-6-2013 at 07:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sier_Pinski  
SFKITER, I notice in your signature that you have quite the collection of fixed-bridle power kites. How would you compare the power and stability of that Toxic you flew to the other 5-meter kites you got? I'm thinking of getting one myself sometime later, particularly the 8-meter as an ultra-lightwind kite for landboarding.

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Hey dude comparing the HQ Beamer 5M and Prism Tensor 5M to the Toxic there is no comparison IMO. The Toxic is way nicer then both of the other 5Ms

Demoknight - 28-8-2013 at 11:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFKITER  
Quote: Originally posted by Sier_Pinski  
SFKITER, I notice in your signature that you have quite the collection of fixed-bridle power kites. How would you compare the power and stability of that Toxic you flew to the other 5-meter kites you got? I'm thinking of getting one myself sometime later, particularly the 8-meter as an ultra-lightwind kite for landboarding.

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Hey dude comparing the HQ Beamer 5M and Prism Tensor 5M to the Toxic there is no comparison IMO. The Toxic is way nicer then both of the other 5Ms

This is good news to me, because I really love my 8.0m Toxic, and I think I may get one or two more Toxics in the future. I think I may grab a 3m and the 5m later this year in fact, unless I absolutely fall in love with a depower between now and then(which I doubt).

SFKITER - 30-8-2013 at 11:49 PM

I love the Toxic 5M. I spoke to Kevin with HQ Kites and he told me that the 6.5M would be a excellent addition if im looking for a lot of fun static flying. I get some massive hang time Static Flying the 5M Toxic, its just so dam stable.

SFKITER - 30-8-2013 at 11:50 PM

I havnt had time to get out to get some video footage of me jumping with the Toxic but there will be a video of me eventually just been busy with school now.

Demoknight - 10-9-2013 at 06:20 AM

I think its funny how people that review the Toxics usually say it's very low lift... HQ themselves even say it will "challenge gravity. " My Toxic 8.0 doesn't try to lift me if it is parked, but I can do small jumps just by sending it back and forth over my head while standing stationary. If I actually run or roll and pendulum, up I go. Nice floaty jumps too .

SFKITER - 11-9-2013 at 11:06 PM

I mean im not getting massive air, but im getting a load of fun out of it as opposed to the Beamer or Tensor. I can only imagine what the 8M does compared to the 5M. The 8M would produce huge hang time I would assume.

Demoknight - 12-9-2013 at 05:56 AM

I've not taken it higher than 5 feet or so, but it sets you down softly whether you redirect or not. I don't often jump with it though, as I mostly just use it for a buggy engine.

SFKITER - 16-10-2013 at 08:24 PM

seems to be a lot of guys are interested in the Toxic lately, just want this to be known though this isnt a beginners kite. Im sure everyone knows this, but this thing handles nothing like a Tensor, Alpha, or Beamer.

When this guy is parked up at Zenith it does want to lift if you arnt paying attention.

Demoknight - 21-10-2013 at 06:26 AM

I have been lifted more at zenith by my 5m Tensor than my 8m Toxic. I agree that it is not a beginner kite, though. You actually have to fly it like a quad; it requires tons of brake to do almost anything. You could probably fly the 8m Toxic on a depower bar just fine without having too many stall issues. Trying to steer with the power lines alone will not even let you loop the thing.

SlasherQuan - 5-11-2013 at 08:25 AM

I have both a 3m and a 5m toxic. They love the brake line input, all I need to do is bump the topside brake line just a hair and I get a beautiful sinewave. Super stable you have to screw up to have an OBE.....but these kites are FAST!!!! If you mess up your in a hurtlocker real fast, not a kite for someone just starting....but great for someone looking to take their first steps up from a Beamer etc.