raycapp1 - 7-10-2006 at 12:07 PM
hello pepole havent been out with my newest kite much so when i woke this moaring to find a good wind i was out there like a shot, got the kite out
getting a feel for it getting some good left (didnt think the peter lynn peper was ment to) chucking it in out out of the power zone have some good
fun untill a sudden gust pulled me up in the air higher then i have ever been happend so bloody quick didnt even have time to land it on my feet
instaed i used my head that was to lad on it, yes my head glad i had a lid on and pads bloody winded me and gave me a right thumper of a head
ake,anyway got over that and had 2 good runs on my buggy even got a couple of power slides in, so after all this 2 things to ask how much pull should
you need to kill the kite with the brake lines as a couple of times pulled them and not much happed!!!the 2nd thing is not a question more a
pea - 7-10-2006 at 01:24 PM
Just slide your hands down to make it easier to pull the breaks..or get kite killers
Pablo - 7-10-2006 at 05:48 PM
Brakes may be out of adjustment, mainly too much slack. When flying the kite normally, look at the brake lines, when it's at the top of the window you
should still have a slight bow on the lines, when you apply the brakes hard, the kite should totally deflate and lose almost all power if not go
completely dead. Too much brake tension and it'll be hard to get to zenith, and the back lines will be tight when it does, Too little brake and it
won't want to collapse.
Easy way to shorten the brakes is to tie another knot on the brake line leaders at the handles about 2-3" closer to the handles, make sure both sides
are the same length.
raycapp1 - 10-10-2006 at 12:15 PM
chears pablo will give it ago mate