Demoknight - 19-7-2013 at 07:10 AM
I have a half day at work today, so I am heading to Montrose Beach to enjoy the open space at the back of the beach while the rest of the sad sacks
are at work 
Chicagokitejumping - 26-7-2013 at 01:06 PM
Send me an email next time when North winds
Demoknight - 29-7-2013 at 03:25 PM
Conditions haven't been great the past few times I've gone out. I'd love to meet some more power kiters out here. Guess I am the only one willing to
deal with the shifty bull ish winds out here lately.
SFKITER - 18-8-2013 at 12:09 AM
Dam I flew out on one of the beaches when I was visiting my family over there and it was shifting all over the place. Wasnt the same as my home winds
in San Francisco at all lmao
Cheddarhead - 18-8-2013 at 03:09 AM
Yeah, you coastal guys have it made!
Demoknight - 20-8-2013 at 12:37 PM
Thursday winds at Montrose are going to be amazing right after lunch time for the rest of the day. 14mph+ only gusting to 20mph. Total sweet spot
for the wind. I will hopefully get my buggy onto the sand that day. Even if I do not get the buggy out, I will be static with the 5.0 or the 8.0 if
I feel ballsy enough.