Hey everyone, the first permit has come in for the upcoming WBB event. The other permit should be here tomorrow.
For your convenience, you can access the permit through the NAPKA website. This will enable you to access the permit while on the beach with your
smart phone. Just go to the NAPKA home page and go to the bottom of the home page to upcoming events. Click on WBB and the look for "permit" and the link will be there.
If you happen to get stopped by an official, you can pull it up in a matter of seconds. Just one more thing NAPKA is doing to try and help our
Talk to you soon! Can't wait to hit the beach.skimtwashington - 19-9-2013 at 03:26 PM
I have to carry a permit...besides my NAPKA card?
I don't have no stinkin' smartphone!
shehatesmyhobbies - 19-9-2013 at 04:11 PM
Not knowing if you are serious or not, I will answer that question, NO you do NOT have to carry the permit with you at WBB, This is something we can
now offer to members while at an event so that by chance you are stopped by anyone, you can show them you are permitted to be there!
At this point, the issue has not come up, nor do I think it will, but in the case you are at the far northern part of the beach and you happen to get
stopped and asked why you are there, you can pop up the link and show them. That's all if they have any major questions, or problems, you can always
call me on my phone and I will gladly speak to whoever.
Sorry that you do not have a smart phone, but please do not think you have to carry a permit with you. That's not what it's about.skimtwashington - 19-9-2013 at 06:45 PM
Good to know...thanks Rich.shehatesmyhobbies - 20-9-2013 at 01:29 PM
Both permits are now readily available on the NAPKA website, just in case any one needs it while at WBB! Not long to go now folks!