Power Kite Forum

Paying it Forward

shehatesmyhobbies - 20-9-2013 at 09:15 PM

Ok, time for me to try and pay it forward, with a little help from you guys!

Most of you met and remember Brian, aka Shortlineflier at WBB in the spring. He does not have the funds to come to the fall bash and I know how much he enjoyed being there. I would like to help get him there.

As a great group of folks chipped in and helped me get to SOBB, I would like in turn to help Brian out and get him back to WBB for a few days. What do you say we put this together again and chip in and get him there for a few days.

If you would like to help, let me know. I know he will appreciate it big time. He's a great kid and really has a blast out on the beach. Send me a U2U or drop a post on this thread. Let's see what we can do together. WBB has that family feeling, that's what I love about it so much.

I will start and offer up the first $25 Once we get enough interest I will take the collection through paypal.

cheezycheese - 21-9-2013 at 05:29 AM

I'm in. How much does he need to make the trip. I do believe Brucie offered a ride iirc...

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-9-2013 at 08:03 AM

He has a car, basically I was trying to get him a room for two nights. and some gas money.

Tibi - 21-9-2013 at 08:41 AM

Count me in for another $25.

shortlineflyer - 21-9-2013 at 09:34 AM

thank you guys so much, I cant put into words how much I appreciate this.

shortlineflyer - 21-9-2013 at 09:38 AM

should I get my own room or just room with someone else.

bigkid - 21-9-2013 at 09:45 AM

Way to go Rich. This is what the sport is all about. If everyone had this type of attitude and giving heart we could do anything.:o. :thumbup:

shortlineflyer - 21-9-2013 at 09:48 AM

looks to be about 100 dollars in gas for a round trip

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-9-2013 at 11:10 AM

Brian you will have your own room. I just received a donation for that. We will have you set up to come in Thursday or Friday and stay till Sunday with a few more donations we will have your gas covered as well. If you can swing some food then you will be set.

Will have another surprise as well waiting for you.

buggydanny - 21-9-2013 at 08:43 PM

Count me in to for $25. It would not be the same without you Brian

DAKITEZ - 21-9-2013 at 09:05 PM

I know I sure had a good time when I was there. I wouldnt want someone to miss out.

I'm in for $25

shortlineflyer - 21-9-2013 at 09:32 PM

so you will set up the room and I dont need to call shalimar

shehatesmyhobbies - 22-9-2013 at 05:14 AM

Brian give me a call today sometime and we will get everything set up

shehatesmyhobbies - 22-9-2013 at 07:41 AM

Looks like things will be good to go for Brian. With those that have stated they will make a donation his funding will be covered.

For those who stated they will make the donation, the money is going to my paypal address then will be forwarded to Brian via a money transfer. Please send the funds to rich@eastcoastkitesports.com via paypal and leave in the notes section who is sending the money and any other note you wish to leave. I will make sure the money gets to him.

I just got off the phone with him and he is very excited.

Thanks everyone and talk soon.

rocfighter - 22-9-2013 at 05:35 PM

See what happens when you don't come on here for a day? It will be good to see you again Brian.
Rich if you need a bit more give me a call.

shortlineflyer - 25-9-2013 at 05:56 AM

I am hoping I can get a little money from my parents to buy a shirt or hoodie at WBB and get everyone who helped me get there to sign it.

tridude - 25-9-2013 at 09:46 AM

put me down for $25........................send me your paypal addy!

shehatesmyhobbies - 25-9-2013 at 11:01 AM

Brian is covered, for those of you that want to contribute, hold on till Friday or Saturday night, have something special in the works for upcoming bashes. More info to come