Windy Heap - 30-9-2013 at 10:14 PM
Over the Summer, I've now got a couple of decent flights on my new Power Traction Kite(s).
It's funny when I tell all my buddies how pumped I am to fly my kites...... is the look on their know that look, "huh"?
till I pull out my 12 foot and 20 foot wide foils.
My medium kite the PKD Buster Soulfly has 3.3 square meters of sail, and the big bad boy, my Peter Lynn Viper S, is 20 foot across, and 6.8 meters of
...........and yes, it pulls hard..............very very hard......after a flight, I'm still shaking and feeling the rush 1/2 hour later.
to be honest, the Viper has much tighter turning radius over the Buster, and I've even shortened the Soulfly 3.3's a good trainer
kite, but sorta a slow pig in the air......the Viper S is so much better of a kite all around.
You HAVE to respect the power of these traction foil kites............
In heavier winds, I'd have my knee pads and helmet on for either the blue 3.3m or big 6.8m..........I've got full seat and waist harnesses
too...........just not needed this day.
bigkid - 30-9-2013 at 11:23 PM
sorta a slow pig in the air? :piggy:
Which kite you been flying the last week? I would guess you been hiding out in the dry somewhere. I had the 4.4 and the buggy out Sunday at Marymoor
in the rain. Had a blast. Got one heck of a head cold now but was well worth it. Hate to say the 2 kites are apples and oranges, but the 3.3 would
like to show you the time of your life in 25-30mph winds.
I will call you the next time I go to Marymoor. HOW ABOUT TUESDAY THE 1ST OF OCT? I will be available all day.
In all seriousness, the viper is going to be a faster more powerful kite than the buster soulfly. Not that they are the same design or shape or to
fill the same spot. The buster is a entry level, high wind kite, were the viper is beginner/intermediate kite.
Great kite for the buggy on those not so windy days.
the offer for Marymoor is still on the table.:D
Windy Heap - 1-10-2013 at 09:22 AM
IF I wasn't getting 35 bales of hay for our Llamas delivered later today, I'd be all over your offer to meet at Marymoor Jeff.
I've tried to get more brake input from the Soulfly, added another 2 knots to shorten the bridle line at the kite, about +3" and +5"..........hoping
for snappier turns.
Kite didn't like the +5", so I've left it at +3".
And yes in a good Oregon Coast steady wind the 3.3 is plenty..............but gotta have several sizes to choose from........hence the quiver.
I have a missing hole in my quiver though, for the Wifes first Quad line kite in the 2.2 - 2.5m range.
She does enjoy flying the twin line 1.7m foil.
bigkid - 1-10-2013 at 10:31 AM
Anytime you want to fill that hole in the quiver give me a call, I'm sure I have something that would fill that hole.
Windy Heap - 1-10-2013 at 09:53 PM
So Jeff, WHAT 2.2-2.6 trainer four line would you suggest to mix up my quiver.
:dont' know if I want another soulfly at a smaller size than what I have, and there are many options for'
4 line `2.5m kites.
so dust off that closet full of your accumulations and let me know what you got for cheap for my wife
2.2 - 2.5 ish meters. 4 line, good handles smooth lines to deploy, I like a nice storage bag.
anyone can u2u me if you have something for sale
bigkid - 2-10-2013 at 12:34 AM
It would be to your advantage to try a few different makes of kites now that you have some idea of what they are all about. That way you will know
which direction to go with what style, type, performance kite that would interest you.
I have a large selection of 3m kites that you are welcome to try. I also have some used 1m to 13m FBs kites that need a good home. You can adopt as
many as you can afford.:evil: