Blade rage - 5-10-2013 at 03:42 PM
hiya all im new here but been i kiter for many years.i was wondering if an old slingshot fuel i have can be used on land for land boarding ect,i see
alot of them in use on land in pics and forums.obviously you have to be carefull with them not to blow them up hitting the ground tho we have vary
grassy land here. cheers
PHREERIDER - 5-10-2013 at 07:18 PM
seemed ok for me...05 fuel SS
Blade rage - 7-10-2013 at 02:25 PM
mine is the 06 version i think in blue 17mtr,the kite is immaculate but had it really cheap due to owner only on land at mo as have not
had time to take on kitesurfing but it seems a shame to let this beauty go to waste so i thought id get some use out of it as well as using it for
kitesurf training later.its so big id deffo use it on very low wind days when my other kites would be grounded.great vid too :D
RedSky - 7-10-2013 at 02:50 PM
Hi, I sometimes fly the fuels on land and at the beach for old times sake. I avoid pumping them to full pressure if flying in unreliable winds inland
though as hard impacts can cause a rip from nose to tail or punctures. The 17m pulls like a horse or a train, I can't remember which.
lives2fly - 8-10-2013 at 02:32 AM
Yeah you can use it on land. 17m of oldschool C kite is quite heavy so it may not have quite the low wind performance you expect.