Power Kite Forum

Homebuilt NPW21 2.6m

rectifier - 3-11-2013 at 08:03 PM

Took a bit of figuring, but I finally got my NPW21 sorted. Big thanks go out to BigE123 for all his help and work on development of the NPW21!

Now this kite is a little different from previous NPW designs... I found it has tremendous resistance to nose collapse. I could fly with the power lines between my fingers rather than having to maintain a significant brake bias - this without any Z bridle or excessive shortening of the brake lines. I could ram it right into the edge of the window and it would stall and slide down instead of folding the nose! So that is really cool and should make it a lot easier to fly for someone new to NPW kites.

I took it out this morning on 20m lines with my blades, in winds of 30 gusting 60kph and swinging through 120 degrees. So I had some issues with wind shifts and cross gusts blowing the wings through the bridle, causing bowties and crashing after winding up my lines badly. Considering the wind, the kite was very stable, and delivered great power and good window, but I had a hard time staying upwind as upwind kept changing on me :(

Got my wife to come out with me later in the day to snap some pics. I put the kite on handles to keep the wind from winding it up - unfortunately above 0 temperatures had turned the snow to glue. Combine that with the power loss on handles and I was just standing there holding the kite for the photo :lol:

Materials are Tyvek sail and Tuff Line XP Dyneema braid (100#) for all bridles. Noticed the Tuff Line has an amazing ability to knot itself when lashing around loose - issues with turning to the left resulted in the discovery that the brake Q point extension had tied itself to the power line, and had to be cut off!

Now all it needs is some graphics, and of course some bigger brothers! :wee:

DSCF0434.JPG - 72kB

DSCF0429.JPG - 105kB DSCF0433.JPG - 99kB

bigE123 - 4-11-2013 at 05:30 AM

Nice first build!
I had my breath held when you said what material you were going to use, but hats off, that's gonna be one hard wearing kite that will stand up to plenty of abuse, a commando of the kite world, it'll just keep getting back up for more :D .