Power Kite Forum

Ozone Octane

rtz - 15-11-2013 at 08:29 PM

It's very different from the Flow. A little more like the Method(faster kite, quicker kite(handling/turning)). But it still has the good low end the Flow has.

The kite continues to surprise me in it's differences from the Flow.

2m is mental in stiff winds(upper 20mph range(it may have been gusting upwards of 30mph that day)).

I had an OBE with the 3m. Under estimated it; took the kite for granted, threw it around "like I always do". The wind came up at the same time I down looped it for a turn. Wasn't ready for or expecting to get one of those diagonal pulled out the front/to the side of the buggy. Didn't think it would do it to me; but it did.

Flew the 4m around for a while in lightish wind. Got out the 5m later. These kites definitely have more power, and more speed then the Flows.

The Flow is tamer. There were times during that 2m day I was missing some of the tameness and good manners of the Flow.

Octane steers different, turns different, and I find my general cruising speed to be higher in any wind with any size kite. Any time I look at the speed; it's always higher than it usually ever was before. Upwind is definitely better. I was trucking nearly into the wind with the 5m in a way that reminded me of the 5.5m 2013 Reactor(which has very excellent upwind).

Downsides? I don't know if it's the reworked bridle; or the kite being slightly more stretched out(higher aspect) then the Flow; but it does some things now the Flow never did. It has a propensity to get in a situation where it is at an angle to the wind where the kite can wind up flat on it's back while in the air at the edge of the window at extreme angles. Have had it happen a few times now and never, ever, once ever had that happen with any Flow in any situation.

Also, it can in a bad lull collapse and wad up in a ball of sorts that needs to be "jiggled out". It's recoverable while it's still in the air. Had this happen a few times now and never ever once with the Flow.

For me; it was a refreshing change, to change things up a bit and give me a bit better speed and upwind.

The Octane is good for some people for some reasons. The Flow is still better for some people and some other reasons. It's a better learner kite, utmost stable(reliably stable that you can count on). The Flow has a lot of good and great traits to it. It really didn't have any bad manners. It will not bowtie, it will not be at full power and instantly collapse at the edge of the window. It didn't have issues with the tips folding in. The Octane doesn't do these particular things either; but I have seen other kites do them.

The Octane is different enough for it to me be a completely different kite from the Flow.

Is it a Rage/Blurr type difference? I'm not sure as I've still yet to fly either of those two kites.

I'll try and post up some short video clips of some of the things I talked about if the video turned out.

One more thing....

The Flows came in backpacks which made them easy to pack up. Even though it was a "one size fits all" and the 5m was a bit of a fit. Well these new bags are "one size fits all". But one has to be absolutely mindful of the width of the kite as that is the critical dimension! So that makes packing these kites up a bit tedious.

Image of the factory width out of the bag:

And no. None of these colors/graphics has grown on me yet. I don't have a favorite and am still impartial to the look of these kites. They are some how a bit interesting to look at in the air though.

Only pic of the 2m at the moment as I forgot to take a pic on that windy day.

3m pics from the GoPro:



So in summary; if you want to change up your kiting experience; try flying some different kites. That's what I did. With the Flow's I knew what it was going to be like every time I went out. I already knew. Now I don't. I still haven't fully experienced these kites; let alone; able to fly them efficiently and at the same comfort level I had with the Flow's.

I Flew the 2m one day last weekend for a few hours. I flew the 3m yesterday for a couple hours. I flew the 4m today for an hour or so, then got out the 5m for another hour or so(then the wind fell off). All flights were with the buggy.

Tomorrow is a 2m day:

rtz - 15-11-2013 at 09:58 PM

Okay; here is a quick video grab. First time the 3m was ever flown. Notice how quick it pivots the second time I loop it!

ilivni - 15-11-2013 at 11:51 PM

Nice review.

pyro22487 - 18-11-2013 at 01:22 AM

Oh man I would love to go out and see these things in action sound like a nice kite more for the intermediate fliers than the beginners.

soliver - 18-11-2013 at 05:59 PM

I've looked, but I can't find what the Aspect Ratio is for the Octane...

How does it fare going upwind?

rtz - 18-11-2013 at 06:09 PM

It's got amazing and impressive upwind. Good price: http://www.awindofchange.com/product/ozoneoctane.html

3shot - 18-11-2013 at 06:22 PM

Thank you for the review rtz!!

WELDNGOD - 19-11-2013 at 03:11 PM


smug stacy - 28-2-2014 at 08:30 PM

After spending a year with the Octane 5m, here is what I think:

For starters, yeah it does turn kinda slow and (at least for me in the beginning) always wanted to drift into the edges of the window. I ordered it with the bar instead of the handles, so I'm sure that exacerbated the problem. I got used to that however, learned the idiosyncrasies of it, and it eventually grew on me.

However..... about 4-5 months in, I discovered a trick. You know how you normally tie the larks head at the end of the knot on the red and blue lines? Well........ if you move it down further closer to the bar, it very dramatically increases the turning speed and responsiveness of the kite. It also dramatically increased the amount of sudden "jerk" when I put it into the power LOL.

Footnote -- I also had to move the brake lines up closer to the bridle (moved the larks head on the bridle side further up the string) to bring those back to life.

After that bit of tuning though, the kite was was an entirely different animal. I'm actually wanting someone else with a 5m and a bar to try this out to confirm it works.

soliver - 12-3-2014 at 07:36 PM

Got a 3m on the way... Woot woot

3shot - 13-3-2014 at 04:07 AM

Congrats. Looking forwards to your thoughts!

riffclown - 13-3-2014 at 01:18 PM

Big Mike has a 5M on his Specials/demos page..

soliver - 13-3-2014 at 05:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by riffclown  
Big Mike has a 5M on his Specials/demos page..

I know... I almost bought it, but after lines to make it RTF, it was outside my budget.

soliver - 17-3-2014 at 04:55 PM

My 3m Octane showed up today... This is my first Ozone kite and the rumors are spot on, absolutely impeccable quality... I'm impressed so far!! I actually have to say that in person, the design is really not so bad... I expected to have to let it grow on me, but I really think the pictures don't do it justice... It's just nicer in person.

I can see what rtz was saying about the bag though, it is a little too simple and kinda leaves something to be desired, but serves its purpose.

If the rain holds off, I'll try it on my lunch break tomorrow and the next day... Hopefully I'll get out on the buggy this weekend too.

3shot - 17-3-2014 at 05:06 PM

Awesome bro!!

You'll be hard pressed to beat Ozone's build quality!

Every little stitch is spot on!

soliver - 18-3-2014 at 11:21 AM

First flight in maybe 8-10mph wind... One word SMOOTH...

Once I get more flight time with him, I'll do a proper review... Looks like good wind Thur.