Power Kite Forum

first flight toxic 8m

flyguy0101 - 1-12-2013 at 01:43 PM

well since i have been on a kite buying spree- thought i would try out the new toxic 8m for my low wind power gust days- the blowing 2mph then gust to 12 then back to 4 -5 for about 5 minutes then wash and repeat. well the kite was awesome, really don't care for the handles and am hoping that the kite will still fly well on my flexi handles. wind today was what i explained above. kite was very stable and easy to control but when you placed it in the power would really pull like a tank and really good control on the brakes. did get ripped out of the buggy sideways twice during gusts when the kite was a little too high. did a few little pendulum jumps and was able to get 2-3 ft in the air from a complete stand still was being really careful due to not wanting to get lofted although can comfortable say there was enough canopy that i would have felt fine redirecting had i gotten a loft.
Overall really nice piece of kit and look forward to using it as a mainstay in my buggy quiver- made 2 wheelin easy with the grunt in it.

riffclown - 1-12-2013 at 05:12 PM

The Toxic 8M is IMO the nicest color of all of the Toxics.. Try to get your hands on a set of the HQ Ultra handles. They hook over and allow you to fly without having a lead between your digits. They are also a lot more comfortably padded.


Demoknight - 3-12-2013 at 10:59 AM

Since you have a ton of depower kites, I suggest you try flying the Toxic on an Ozone Turbo Bar if you have one. The Toxic 8.0m loves the turbo bar. If you have the bar tuned just right to where sheeted all the way in barely stalls the kite, you will notice a huge power gain while well powered and sheeting the bar in at speed. You probably noticed how the Toxic loves brake input, so I highly recommend a turbo bar if you aren't too fond of the handles. I actually prefer mine on the bar over handles in general now because of such good experience on the turbo bar.

flyguy0101 - 3-12-2013 at 11:05 AM

thanks i might give it a try but i am really a fan of handles when buggying and a bar when i am standing- i think it just gives you a lot more kite control. Although i dont think i will every fly this kite without a harness then it would be like work:cool:

Demoknight - 3-12-2013 at 11:50 AM

It can be a tough kite to Popeye arm. I love it though. I have 95% of the control I do with handles on the Turbo bar. I only put handles on it when buddies want to fly it without hooking in. I have flown it lots on a strop and pulley, but this is one kite I prefer on a bar for some reason. Maybe it's because I like to have a hand free to hang onto my buggy frame to keep from getting bounced out on my sometimes bumpy beach.

soliver - 3-12-2013 at 08:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by flyguy0101  
i dont think i will every fly this kite without a harness then it would be like work:cool:

Trust me, you don't want to fly it without a harness. Whenever I fly my 8.6m RII without my harness, I end up feeling it for a week later... Still feeling my Saturday session.

Clive - 3-12-2013 at 09:19 PM

Wonderful kite the 8m, do prefer mine on handles, tried the turbo bar but it seems to pivot a little quicker than I like, there's very little movement from flying along to suddenly turning, it might be how I've got the bar set, but handles just have that finesse that allows me to roll it around without suddenly putting it behind me..... And trust me do that and this kite will definitely lift you ot of the buggy.

Have fun with the new kite.

flyhighWNY - 3-12-2013 at 10:13 PM

Soliver, I must say I love your video/music... 

Demoknight - 4-12-2013 at 06:09 AM

Clive you might want to try moving the brakes a knot away from the kite. Sounds like you have zero slack in them when sheeted out. You want it set so that if you fly it across the window and sheet in, the kit won't stall, but slow and surge with power. I can only stall mine in lighter winds or when it is moving slowly with my settings. Just a little slack in the lines with the bar out .