Power Kite Forum

Radsail Pro 3 4M

DRH1469 - 9-1-2014 at 11:11 AM

Kite review! Simple!

Best kite ever! It flies well in the light wind we have here(about 10-15Km/h)

It handles lulls pretty well, it hardly bow-ties and has plenty of pull!

Good second timer kite :D

indigo_wolf - 9-1-2014 at 11:48 AM

Did you get the one you posted in one of your earlier threads:

Did it turn out to be the color scheme on that website or the color scheme on the Eolas website?


rectifier - 9-1-2014 at 11:53 AM

Glad to hear you got hold of your second kite and are enjoying it!
Big jump from 2 to 4 meters eh?
Now you can really get into the power part of power kiting. Do you have a board/buggy yet?
Have fun and fly safe :thumbup:

DRH1469 - 9-1-2014 at 12:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by indigo_wolf  
Did you get the one you posted in one of your earlier threads:

Did it turn out to be the color scheme on that website or the color scheme on the Eolas website?


Yes to first question, and it's from the website :D

Quote: Originally posted by rectifier  
Glad to hear you got hold of your second kite and are enjoying it!
Big jump from 2 to 4 meters eh?
Now you can really get into the power part of power kiting. Do you have a board/buggy yet?
Have fun and fly safe :thumbup:

Quite a large jump from 2 to 4 meters, although in the Johannesburg winds, it feels much like the 2 meter!

Nah, no board yet, first learning how to fly blind and stuff like that :D Only learnt the brakes towards the end ;)

(How do I make images smaller lol :))

dangerdan - 9-1-2014 at 01:57 PM

LOL .... No idea but great picture of something

DRH1469 - 9-1-2014 at 02:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dangerdan  
LOL .... No idea but great picture of something

It my kite in the middle :)

indigo_wolf - 9-1-2014 at 02:31 PM

TinyPic lets you specify a resize during the upload.

So does imgur



ssayre - 9-1-2014 at 03:51 PM

Just wait until you get a little bit more wind. It won't feel like the 2 meter then.

DRH1469 - 10-1-2014 at 01:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by indigo_wolf  
TinyPic lets you specify a resize during the upload.

So does imgur



Thank you :)

Ssayre - the average wind here is soo bad (like 5-10KM/H) I hope I get some better wind soon!