Timouthy - 26-1-2014 at 07:02 PM
Just wondering if any you guys had shoulder problems from kiting. I'm not sure if my injury was from kiting but I'm done until it's better and this my
time to kite ski it's all I think about all summer now it's winter and this happens not a happy camper here.
Cheddarhead - 26-1-2014 at 07:20 PM
I had a rotator cuff issue one year but not from kiting, just from pushing it to hard in the gym. Doc sent me to physical therapy. Therapy and lots
of rest and it eventually went away but took a long time to be 100%. I still have a knee issue from skiing last year:evil: Being a skier, I would
rather have a shoulder problem than a knee issue. Wanna trade?
Timouthy - 26-1-2014 at 07:40 PM
I'm in physical therapy now and the doctor said I could kite but I feel I shouldn't push it. Did you kite when you had shoulder problems Cheddar ?
I'm doing the same exercises that I would do kiting and maybe pushing my self harder than kiting but I'm in a controlled environment .
shehatesmyhobbies - 26-1-2014 at 08:25 PM
I actually was in a bad car wreck back in 96 and loss 20% movement in my right shoulder due to tearing and separating the ligaments. I had surgery
and then went on about life. I found kiting almost 6 years ago and it actually gave me back full range of my shoulder. Stretched me back out I just
say. Now I am back to almost original condition. I actually credit kiting to fixing my shoulder.
ssayre - 26-1-2014 at 08:46 PM
I would say it depends on the type of shoulder problem you are having. I had a torn rotator cuff and eventually had to have surgery. If it is a
rotator cuff problem and it feels like your shoulder wants to pop out of socket when kiting then I would let heal longer. If it is more muscle strain
than I would say to try kiting and see how you feel. If you are apprehensive about it now, than that might be a good sign your not ready.
AD72 - 26-1-2014 at 10:13 PM
+1 let it heal
I have dislocated both my shoulders at different times. The second time I followed the PT instructions exactly and I have no pain in that shoulder.
It took a lot less time than the first one which I did not follow instructions when i was 16. So follow what your PT says. That said, flying has
buit up my muscles around the rotator cuff and I have full mobility in both shoulders. I agree that it has helped me stretch out. Kiting has also
helped my back. I mainly kiteboard.
ice kiter - 27-1-2014 at 02:21 AM
The rotatorcuff got injured secondly for me on the right site in this fall. With the first occasion during hockey a collision , secondly at kite
buggy. now the biceps sinew injured too, so I go to physiotherapist and I hope so onto the summer already properly can to up - with straight hand -
5kg weight.
yeah and then good how there is not a real winter at us now . I would not be able to tolerate it !
(and I bought bigger gnarled rubbers for the better adhesion)
pongnut - 27-1-2014 at 07:05 AM
+1 Rotator cuff, last summer. My wife's a pt and set me up with a piece of stretch tubing and a rehab routine. Took about 2 months before I could
fly the Twister again, thank god for my depowers!
Feyd - 27-1-2014 at 11:17 AM
What kind of shoulder injury is it? If you're not sure then my guess is an overuse injury?
If it's something like impingement syndrome or some flavor of bursitis then the only recourse is to throttle back on the usage. Otherwise you run the
risk of further chronic shoulder issues. Shoulders are complex as hell, having had two reconstructions on the right side I'm a little wary of
shoulder related injury. The recovery time is too damn long. I will say I'm with shehatesmyhobbies and AD in that my range of motion has definitely
improved with kiting.
And I'm right there with pongnut, depows make things so much easier for busted up people. Not on board with knee injury over shoulder. I'd do two
more knee surgeries before I'd do another shoulder. Knees are cake and I have a killer knee guy. Shoulders suck even though I have a killer shoulder
Timouthy - 27-1-2014 at 03:48 PM
Yes its impingement syndrome and they have me working out with the rubber bands two times daily and it's sore as hell after but the movement is
coming back and there is less pain when doing my chores around the house And at work was thinking of taking a break until feb 15 that will be a month
maybe more but not much longer than that I will hold the bar with my teeth if I have too lol
soliver - 27-1-2014 at 05:41 PM
I dislocated my kneecap about 10 yrs ago on the job. It was always a little janky after it healed. One of my first few times out kiting, I was lofted
only a few feet, but came down on it wrong and almost blew it out again... Ever since, I don't go kiting (even with the 2.6m) unless I'm wearing a
knee brace, even then I scud with my "good foot" forward.
Point being, after you're all healed up, take whatever precautions are necessary to keep it from re-injury.
Cheddarhead - 27-1-2014 at 07:03 PM
I did lots of kiting while also going to PT for my shoulder. It was an overuse injury and not something I needed surgery for so kiting with depowers
wasn't harmful in the least. Like you, they had me doing LOTS of strengthening exercises with bands, arm bike, etc. I like to think that kiting
actually helped my shoulder progress. Big thing is to listen to your body and know when to say when.
Feyd - 27-1-2014 at 07:19 PM
2nd Cheddar's thought. If it hurts a lot, throttle back.
Timouthy, does it hurt more when you sleep as opposed to being upright?
Timouthy - 28-1-2014 at 06:10 PM
Feyd it feels better when laying down no pain until I lay on it or bump it the pain gets less every day I think the Pt is working and it's best I
don't kite right now I never can take it easy out there too much fun
PHREERIDER - 29-1-2014 at 08:10 AM
certainly had my share of shoulder injury/pain. overuse, impingement, full slams, fouled unhooked junk, ....the biggest problem, my
unwillingness to rest. 2days, 2weeks, 2months
2days --->motrin to move!
2weeks--->reasonably pain free but cautious with limits
2months ->i think i'm "smarter","tougher", but reality --->just more "tattered"
BUT never missed a session!
Feyd - 30-1-2014 at 09:04 AM
Phree has foul unhooked junk.:D
acampbell - 30-1-2014 at 11:59 AM
I'm with the camp here that leans towards depowers for sparing upper body stress.
Nothing like having your sternum split for surgery to remind you how many force vectors from routine upper body movement pass through the breast
plate. The doc thinks I should be full strength in 5 weeks but I know I will favor de-power and keep only some smaller FB kites for demo purposes.
In the meantime at the rate I am healing I might have some leftover Oxycodone and Tramadol if you need it ;-)
"- Shoulders are complex as hell, having had two reconstructions on the right side I'm a little wary of shoulder related injury. "
ice kiter - 30-1-2014 at 02:34 PM
Yes it is, and I am on the rehab gymnastics yet only at the yellow rubber band with 11 weeks after the injury
As the thing may be chin now that it is the end of the kite, and blokart is come on drily and on ice
I am looking at it already. - I will be 50 slowly
But the hocky I do not know with it how will be, without that does not go
not too funny
Feyd - 30-1-2014 at 06:03 PM
Nothing I hate more than PT.