shaina03 - 23-2-2014 at 04:06 PM
anyone know a place to buy a used Montana VII 9m kite? Or a new one that isn't toooo expensive for my first depowered kite.
DAKITEZ - 23-2-2014 at 04:27 PM
I have one new 9m left at $200 off retail.
shaina03 - 23-2-2014 at 05:14 PM
Thank you for your response! unfortunately it's a slightly over my price range at this very moment.
Looking around 700 now...but come April I could definitely grab it at that price! I bookmarked your website though I'll be checking back in. thanks
BeamerBob - 23-2-2014 at 06:25 PM
My Montana VIIs are likely going up for sale very soon. The Montana VIIIs just arrived in the states and I'll likely upgrade during IBB. Mine are a
bit dusty, but that rinses off. They will come in at your budget or less I'm sure.
shaina03 - 23-2-2014 at 07:28 PM
That is great! Definitely let me know after IBB, it is apr 1-5 right? I'll be in Vegas around Apr 15th-19th!
I'd definitely be interested in one, and around that time would be perfect too. im not too familiar with this forum quite yet. How might I contact you
after the event? I know if you post it to the forum I wont snatch it up in time. But I can pay immediately with paypal or whatever method you prefer.
Ill just remember to personal msg you after the 5th of april and if you decide you want to sell it we can go from there!
Bladerunner - 23-2-2014 at 08:59 PM
Sounds worth waiting for. Saving on shipping is always a big advantage.
Bob is a great guy and I suspect he will be happy to introduce you to the kite with a bit of a lesson. If you can match schedules.
BeamerBob - 24-2-2014 at 09:21 AM
Shaina, I'll get you a price soon. You are correct on the IBB dates. Sadly, that week you are here is my son's spring break week and we will be out
of town. As Bladerunner said, I would've been happy to meet you and let you give the kite a ride on my son's landboard at the park. Since that isn't
going to work, I'm happy to help however I can.
I love the Montanas a lot and I've said so for years. A 9.5m Montana III was the first depower kite I ever flew and I've had every model since then.
I also fly arcs and they are also great kites for lots of reasons. For a first depower kite though, I would lean towards suggesting a depower foil
like the Montana for your first kite since it essentially sets up and launches much like a fixed bridle kite, so the familiarity will be an advantage
starting out. U2U my phone number to you.