Power Kite Forum

Buggys, rent, loan, borrow, ?..

bigkid - 12-3-2014 at 06:18 AM

I have been in touch with Rich at Wildwood Buggy Bash and Angus at JIBE about the issue of buggys for use while at the event.
This is mainly for those that are unable to ship there own bugs to the event and end up not going because of it. We are also talking about the use of buggys for non buggy owners.

Big Kid Kites is willing to send a buggy or 2 or ? to each event for use by out of towners that normally would not go because of shipping problems. The bugs would be "borrowed" for a day or ?.
Let say you live on the west coast and fly to the event, you are able to get your kites on the plane, and a buggy will be available when you arrive. You pick up the buggy and guard it with your life while having the time of your life and return the buggy and fly home.

This is not going to happen this year as time will not allow it. Our hope is to make it available for next year.

What I would like to ask is if this was to happen, would it be helpful for anyone? Would you make the trip if there was a buggy there for your use?
Boardz have been talked about also.

Any thoughts?

RedSky - 12-3-2014 at 07:57 AM

:thumbup: Fantastic idea. Just turn up and ride. :bouncing:
I'd save a few £100 on excess baggage and would gladly spend the money to rent'a'bug.
I think it would be so popular that you may not have enough bugs to go around.

Would this be available to out of townies from europe ?
We should be grateful so forgive my next question...what sort of bugs can you offer ?

edit..My bad :embarrased:....I thought this was for IBB. :lol: sorry.

markite - 12-3-2014 at 08:23 AM

That is a great idea. The hard thing will be a few showing up and needing to share - they'll have to come up with a fair way of taking turns. I'm sure similar things have happened to others when I've lent my buggy so someone could take it for a spin and the wind comes up and the person doesn't come back for a couple of hours or more when you expected maybe 15-30 minutes. Whatever, it's a good idea and things would work out.

bigkid - 12-3-2014 at 08:48 AM

I agree with Mark, many times at Ivanpah I was asked if they could use my bug and 3 days later it shows up only to fly off across the playa again.
One year I didnt even get out a kite let alone sit in one of my bugs, had to have been 4 very happy buggy riders. Good thing I had my blokart or I would have been out of luck completely. :D

podsds - 12-3-2014 at 04:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by markite  
That is a great idea. The hard thing will be a few showing up and needing to share - they'll have to come up with a fair way of taking turns. I'm sure similar things have happened to others when I've lent my buggy so someone could take it for a spin and the wind comes up and the person doesn't come back for a couple of hours or more when you expected maybe 15-30 minutes. Whatever, it's a good idea and things would work out.

Oh you misunderstand, I'm looking to rent, nit offer a rental.

3shot - 12-3-2014 at 04:39 PM

Great idea Jeff! I've already seen a couple of "concerns" with others trying to get their buggies to JIBE this year. I also think a small rental fee/donation would be fair too. That would help the "just in case" damage if any occurred. And if no damage occurred, that helps put back for your logistics efforts.
In my humble opinion...

podsds - 12-3-2014 at 05:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by podsds  
Quote: Originally posted by markite  
That is a great idea. The hard thing will be a few showing up and needing to share - they'll have to come up with a fair way of taking turns. I'm sure similar things have happened to others when I've lent my buggy so someone could take it for a spin and the wind comes up and the person doesn't come back for a couple of hours or more when you expected maybe 15-30 minutes. Whatever, it's a good idea and things would work out.

Oh you misunderstand, I'm looking to rent, nit offer a rental.

Oops posted to the wrong message, I have a similar one here

MyAikenCheeks - 12-3-2014 at 07:08 PM

Living 17 miles from the E-Z Go and Club Car factories most any day you will see a 18 wheelers
with 20+ Golf cars heading toward a golf tournament to supplement existing fleets of course owned golf cars as to service their needs for that event.

So here's where I'm going with this line of thought. A vendor shows up at WBB, JIBE, DBBB, IBB
etc. with a trailer full of buggys and has them for rent like beach rentals.

What should a buggy rent for for the run of an event?
What types of buggys would be the best to have as rentals or have a wide selection.
Would you pay more to ride an Apexx or an Ivanpah, Sysmic, GT Race, Liber, or a Popeye the Welder creation over a PL Basic, Flexie or a VTT?
What would be the liability of the person that rents for the weekend for damage.
And... The fact that a rented buggy has no legal recourse say if a wheel would come off and the rider get hurt?
Loaners as well as rentals would require iron clad, hold harmless, agreements! No one wants to be sued.

Not trying to be a spoiler, just exploring the possibilities. What say you all??

Just another thought. I would believe that this might be a great opportunity for a manufacturer and or dealer to have a traveling fleet to supplement their advertising campaign.

bobalooie57 - 13-3-2014 at 08:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MyAikenCheeks  

So here's where I'm going with this line of thought. A vendor shows up at WBB, JIBE, DBBB, IBB
etc. with a trailer full of buggys and has them for rent like beach rentals.

Can I be the driver????

bigkid - 13-3-2014 at 09:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bobalooie57  
Quote: Originally posted by MyAikenCheeks  

So here's where I'm going with this line of thought. A vendor shows up at WBB, JIBE, DBBB, IBB
etc. with a trailer full of buggys and has them for rent like beach rentals.

Can I be the driver????

as long as you dont quit your day job.:lol:

Good ideas, would anyone go to the event if the buggy wasnt an issue?

Chad - 13-3-2014 at 11:09 AM

3shot - 13-3-2014 at 02:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MyAikenCheeks  

Would you pay more to ride an Apexx or an Ivanpah, Sysmic, GT Race, Liber, or a Popeye the Welder creation over a PL Basic, Flexie or a VTT?


Dang. Never though I'd see my VTT classed on the "reduced rack"......


:lol: :lol: :lol:

mainekite2 - 13-3-2014 at 04:49 PM

It would be much more likely that I would go to events that require a flight if I didn't have to worry about a bug. It would just make it so much easier, less expensive and you could probably get enough other gear there to make do. I would love to make it to IBB, DBBB, JIBE, SOBB

Didn't think I was offending anyone, Sorry

MyAikenCheeks - 13-3-2014 at 06:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 3shot  
Quote: Originally posted by MyAikenCheeks  

Would you pay more to ride an Apexx or an Ivanpah, Sysmic, GT Race, Liber, or a Popeye the Welder creation over a PL Basic, Flexie or a VTT?


Dang. Never though I'd see my VTT classed on the "reduced rack"......


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just pulling names out my @ss and sorry about that.

I'm not sure how you would rank Van's buggy?
I was thinking heavies and light weights. Race/freestyle.

I've seen 2 VTT'S and the yellow one he had a JIBE last year looked like it got bent up a bit. Might have been a prototype. IMHO it appears to be a lighter built ride and those bugs have their merits. I like his concepts tho.

Back to the questions.
What would you pay to rent a buggy for a weekend or pay for a longer event like IBB?

What type buggy would like to be able to rent? Want to try a exotic European bug or an American classic like the Ivanpah?

Would you be cool with signing a hold harmless contract with full liability for rented equipment? Business is business!

Last year at JIBE, Big Kid let someone borrow his Apexx and it came back with bent axle bolts, side rails and he was pissed! :mad:Rightfully so! 20mm bolts take a lot to bend, no one admitted to the damage.

That's why a rental would require a security deposit as well.

What say you all?

3shot - 13-3-2014 at 07:15 PM

Again, I agree with a monitary deposit. Only seams right.

MyAikenCheeks - 13-3-2014 at 08:38 PM

What type buggys would make for a good rental?

Would a daily rate of $30-$50 a day with a 2 or 3 day minimum be in the ball park?

A hundred dollar security deposit refunded at once in cash when turned it? Secured with a C.C.?

After all you wouldn't have to ship a bug both ways. UPS is a pain in the @ss with heavy shipments.
Also maintenance is not a factor, tire wear, bearings, seat, pads, etc.

To make it worth while for a vendor there would need to be a few pre orders to show up.
Event coordinators could book the vendor for kite only participants to have and as a standby
for pilots that break a buggy or offer a newbe a ride or a lesson.

Your thoughts?

rocfighter - 26-3-2014 at 11:57 AM

This is a great idea in case TheKidd snaps his in half again!!