code - 24-11-2006 at 09:22 PM
Spoke to another newbie this afternoon upon returning home from my kiting venture. Stated who he was and that he was new to the entire kiting thing.
First thing that flew out of my mouth was buy decent pair of gloves.
Was out in 8mph winds and the gust hit close to 12mph, some possibly stronger, with my 5m Beamer TSR. Had a great session with my groundboard
cruising across multiple soccer fields, practicing upwind stuff and such. Other then the occassional gust, it was a rocking day. Then it happened...
I packed up all my gear leaving the kite and the board out for one last run. Took the kite up in the air, got on the board and off I went til
suddenly a major gust of wind came in a direction I wasn't at all ready for. Jolted me up in the air off the board landing on my stomach, which really
wasn't too bad (but was the point at which I realized I should probably get the helmet I've been putting off getting), then things got worse.
The kite started dragging me since I was still holding onto the bar, let the bar go almost immediately hoping the safety (kite killer) would catch and
bring the kite down. Well, the kite killer brought the kite down, but snapped in the process causing the kite to fly towards a family with a dog. I
immediately jumped up and grabbed the rope that runs through the bar to engage the brakes / kite killer, hoping it would engage the brakes again and
bring the kite to a stop. Big mistake at that moment as another gust hit and just short of seeing smoke rise off my hand I knew the outcome wasn't
going to be good. Finally the kite came down, ran over and balled it up then ran back to the truck to call it a day. As soon as I got back to the
truck I noticed my hand was in major pain (guess it took some time to kick in). 3 of the fingers on my left hand are completely burnt from the tip all
the way down to my palm due to the rope. Portions of my palm got it as well. Two of the fingers even had some skin removed due to it. Had I grabbed
hold and got the rope wrapped around a finger I can't imagine.
I know there have been other threads about how lines can do damage. I can't stress enough to be careful where those lines go and who touches them,
and when they touch them (not just the immediate brake lines or power lines, but any line! Am out a bar as the lines messed that up as well, when I
fell the stopper got pretty screwed up, and the kite killer is obviously trashed. Hand will heal, just numb and pretty painful to open all the way at
the moment. Lesson learned..priceless.
Add gloves to the list of protection to purchase asap.
Kiteboarder2B - 7-12-2006 at 01:26 AM
That is exactly why I am reluctant to fly with a bar.
As soon as you got into a jam your only option to stop was to relinquish whatever control you had of the kite and rely on the kite killers which didnt
seem to work to well when you needed them. I am sure you are aware of the brake lines are rated for about half the SWL (Safe Working Load) of the
main lines and if you were to soley rely on them in a gusty situation, as you found out, they can snap unexpectedly in the proper conditions. I even
heard someone say they've seen kites stay inflated and drag people, though I haven't for myself.
Imagine if you had been flying with handles when that happened. Would you have had to let go? Well I didn't, and maybe you dint have to. You said you
almost immediately let go, nothing about tryin to maneuveur the kite down or away from the family. I was able to maneuverably kill the kite (It took a
humongous effort)without relinquishing control and placing other's in harm's way while escaping my hairy situation and keeping my gear intact. Now
maybe this is because I practice flying my kite lying down (maybe all landboarders should?)or because I practice killing the kite with my own skills
(not trying to boast) in higher/gustier wind situations or a culmination of both.
I am not here to brag, or debate which is better, or to to scold (who the hell ami right?) as I am far too ignorant to know such things. We could
even get into what kind of condition your lines were in (I am sure everyone agrees we all need to inspect our gear before we use it.) But I honestly
feel that for others safety in a public place, letting go should not be an option, but a last resort. Luckily you were able to contain the situation
and I applaud your quick/brave thinking (you knew what was gonna happen when you grabbed 'em).
Well, defintely more than two pennies and worth a hell of a lot less.
leebrianh - 7-12-2006 at 08:35 AM
Code, I feel the pain. I didn't have as severe injury as you do but had a close call. Ever since, I've been using globes I used for horseback riding
before. Plam side is leather and the other side is flexible material, works perfect for my kite activity. Of course, halmet is a must for ATB
riding. My current halmet is already 3rd one :o - Brian
code - 7-12-2006 at 06:05 PM
Kiteboarder2b... I'm not sure if you're familiar with the TSR setup, but the brake lines themselves didn't snap, the kite killer setup attached to
them failed and is what broke. It's the same as having kite killers on handles..if you let go of the handles it engages the brakes. This is a brand
new kite with brand new lines, new bar, new safety system, etc. So for this to happen, it caught me pretty off guard. It's not the first time nor will
it be the last time this has happened to someone either. It happens quite more often then you would think ending in similar results. I don't fault
HQ as I've heard other kite killer malfunctions from other manufacturers, also I've used the kite killers in higher winds from HQ, Ozone and Flexi,
and have had great experiences as well. Just got one bad one is all. Is there a backup to when your backup fails? Also, since I was out flying the
weekend before in similar conditions, did the same thing amongst other things to practice the safety systems of the kite along with control as well it
really did surprise me.
At some point we've all been in some sort of accident / incident where we can look back now and say, " I should've done this..."
I'm not saying that I was right in how I reacted and that there isn't a million things that I could've done. The safety of others hit my mind before
anything else, as I'm sure it would for any of us, during the incident (The family was a good soccer field and a half away from the kite when it broke
away from me. Also, they weren't in the direction of the kite originally. The winds shifted. My main worry was wind carrying the kite over to the
family or the families dog coming at the kite causing the family to chase the dog (who wasn't leashed) only making the entire incident worse. It's by
far not the families fault for being there with there dog, nor not having it leashed. Nor do I think I was completely at fault by reacting the way I
did or because of the brand new safety system braking on the kite, but by combination of a lot of things.
I probably wouldn't of even bothered writing the post had I worn blame it on that.
Brian...have been using my motorcycling gloves the past few outtings. Will probably be purchasing another pair just to keep with my kite gear. And
yes..have to agree with the helmet statement.
help whith my kite
bigchris - 1-2-2007 at 09:44 AM
hi code its bigchris you disagreed with me about saying dont get a hq beamer 3.6. So before tell other people what i think of it then could you help
me to solve the problem with mine as i have tride every thing to stop it folding, iv tried ajusting the bridle lines, the brake lines and more so can
you help me so that insted of giving the hq a bade reveiw io can prase it and tell people what a good kite it is.
i was also woundring whats the best dp kite at a size of 5-6 merters around thanks a lot hopefully you can help me change my mined
Tigger - 1-2-2007 at 11:57 AM
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I have to agree with "Kiteboarder". I know I am not the only one. He was not trying to rag on you, nor am I.
Even the smallest of traction kites; can no matter what the reason, get away from you. Fault is not a question unless you get to court. It won’t
matter if it is your fault or faulty equipment when one goes to the hospital. And it doesn't matter what wind sport (Para Gliding, Parachuting etc).
One needs to practice the “What If” contingency. I've had people run up to me after deliberately being dragged on my front and back wanting to know my
condition. When I inform them it was deliberate they just shake their heads and call me a crazy old man (58 yrs.). Ok, I only practice on grassy
fields (no beach in Las Vegas) but my deliberate slides keep me in tune with the “What Ifs”. You are correct; everyone has or will have there oops.
But part of being a responsible pilot is known when to ditch or ride it into the ground.
Having the best safety equipment and know knowledge about its dependability is almost the same as no safety equipment. NEVER rely completely on your
safety equipment to get you out of a situation that you got yourself into.
Bladerunner - 1-2-2007 at 05:18 PM
My harness has a little pouch and knife. I hope I never have to use it but EVERYONE should carry one !!
code - 2-2-2007 at 04:53 PM
Started doing that as well snowbird, but have already made my mind up that it's going to take an awful lot for it to be used...
Tigger... I realize that no one was attempting to "rag" on me. Like I mentioned though, the thread was basically to inform about using gloves..not
what I did or could've done. What is done is done and I learned from it. Am surprised that this thread came back up anyways.
Chris... I wasn't stating that your opinion of the HQ kites is "wrong". My opinion, which is simply that, is different though. Any kite that you
purchase by any manufacturer is going to have its quarks..some kites prefer to be flown in steady, clean winds..while others aren't as picky about
that as long as the flier performs the right techniques and gives it input when needed, whether it be through the brakes or what have you. Also, the
more that you fly a kite the more you learn those characteristics and learn how to manipulate your techniques to keep the kite up in the air and
I'm not a professional by any means and not knowing what you changed on your kite by messing with the bridal and brake lines I can't say that I'll be
able to solve your issues. It all might've started out with stretched flying lines or stretched bridals lines, which can sometimes cause the kite to
perform as you speak. It may be a bit more complicated to tune it correctly. The best thing you could do, would be to contact Tim or someone else at
HQ kites and see if they can't help you out. The service that HQ gives to its consumers is great, and they typically do all they can to keep the
customers happy and coming back for more of their kites.
There are always a few bad seeds that slip by during production, regardless of the manufacturer though.