hq_master - 1-12-2006 at 10:51 AM
yo went out today with the power kites and with a mate with his 4m wind was a bit #@%$#! but o well thts life cant predict can u and wayz the kite was
vearing to the right dont no y my m8 says one line migt be longerr than the other if any one could give me an answer to see what it is if any one
could get back to me tht would be great :!::!::!::!::!: :flaming:
B-Roc - 1-12-2006 at 12:19 PM
If the winds are good and the kite is pulling to one side regularly, sounds like your lines aren't equally matched.
Disconnect all the lines from the kite and handles. Stake them down and walk them out to see if they aren't all equal. If they aren't adjust them
all down to the length of the shortest line (undo the knots, leave the sleeving on and slide it up the lines to adjust the length, retie and then trim
away the extra. If you're sleeving is sewn on both ends, you may need to cut it off of one side, get a sleeving kit and start over on as many lines
as is needed to get them all equal in length).
Lines stretch so this is not an uncommon occurrence.
If the lines are equal check the bridle to make sure the knots on the bridle leaders are of equal distance from the kite.
If they are then your bridle itself is probably stretched or tangled / twisted. If tangled / twisted, undo the bridle from the pigtail and sort it
out. If the bridle itself is stretched, good luck.
To check line length, I like to take the kite to the center of the window and fly it up with my hands together so the handles are equally matched.
The kite should sit nicely above you in a resting position. If it is veering regularly - something is off.