Power Kite Forum

Bay Area, CA. weekend static flying

Primordial Wind - 13-6-2014 at 08:18 PM

Hi folks, so after 7 years of absence I' m back in the Bay Area and is looking for some company to fly kites on weekend meets. I have heard of the bad news regarding OB kite restrictions so i was wondering where in the Bay Area folks go for static flying these days. Feel free to message me for anyone interested in flying their kites this weekend or any weekends for that matter. Beers on me, cheers!

Primordial Wind - 18-6-2014 at 03:32 PM

Thanks ihatework for the message. What happened to all the Bay Area kiters?

lucky_13 - 18-6-2014 at 03:33 PM

Shore line is a good place to go ..

SFKITER - 25-6-2014 at 01:40 PM

hit me up sometime man I usually fly at Marina Green