Power Kite Forum

Sunset Beach, OR - July 19-20

Morrie Williams - 14-7-2014 at 08:33 AM

Looks like mid day tides for this coming weekend. Kelci and I plan to drive down Sat morning for buggying and blokarting. Anyone else up for some fun?

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sand flea - 14-7-2014 at 04:12 PM

did somebody mention fun?

I'm In

crazyherb - 14-7-2014 at 10:48 PM

Always a chance I might just show up... :P

MeatÐriver - 15-7-2014 at 06:03 PM

Family members bachelor party this weekend. May shoot up that way early Sunday if I'm feeling able to take on such a task at that point.

buggeyed - 16-7-2014 at 08:58 AM

Looks like I'll be missing all the fun, so have a good time for me!

jellis - 16-7-2014 at 09:40 AM

What buggeyed said goes for me too.

crazyherb - 18-7-2014 at 10:52 PM

Bring big kites...7-12mph....

sand flea - 19-7-2014 at 06:35 AM

i like big kites

see ya soon!