Power Kite Forum

Kitebuggying Survey

Extreme - 3-8-2014 at 09:15 AM

riffclown - 3-8-2014 at 09:40 AM

Sorry but I find it very difficult to believe you have an interest in preserving Kite Buggying. Asking about injuries is not cool especially when it's the only thing you focus on.. .. You only invoke the negative side while providing fodder to those that would prefer to ban us all.. No buggier in their right mind would intentionally torpedo the sport like that.. Your "scientific" research would more likely be used by communities to eliminate the sport entirely based on incomplete data... I for one will pass and encourage others to pass as well.

II Section: Chronic Injuries

1)* Have you ever had any type of symptom (pain, discomfort, stiffness, swelling, instability, subsidence, block or other problems) after or during the practice of this sport?
No never Low Back Knee Shoulder Elbow Wrist Other (please describe below)

2) Side of your body
Right Left Not applicable

3) To what extent have has this symptom affected your normal kitebuggying practice ?
No reduction To a minor extent To a moderate extent To a major extent Cannot participate at all

4) Have you received a specific medical diagnosis for this problem?

III Section: Acute injuries

1)* Have you ever had an accident with kite buggy ?
never before 2007 in 2007 in 2008 in 2009 in 2010 in 2011 in 2012 in 2013

2) How did this injury take place ? (please describe below)

3) What was the intensity (knots )of the wind when your injury occurred?
< 20 knots >20 knots

4) Did you seek medical attention for tho injury?
Yes No

5) Please indicate the parts of your body that a were injured (You may select more than one option) Head Neck Teeth Jaw Nose Eyes Upper back Chest Shoulder Arm Elbow Wrist Hand Fingers Forearm Abdomen Low Back Pelvis Knee Thigh Hip Leg Ankle Foot Toes Other (please describe below)

6) Indicate the types of injuries for this event (You may select more than one option)
concussion dislocation ligament rupture fracture sprain muscle strain tendon strain serious cut /abrasion contusion (bruise) other (please describe below)

7) How much time did you take off from kite-bugging as a result of this injury?
None less than one week less than one month greater than one month

8) What was the outcome of this injury? Complete recovery with no related problems Good recovery but some problems (please describe below) Poor outcome (please describe below)

Kober - 3-8-2014 at 10:07 AM

.... riffclown .... I am so happy new kiters like you can recognize potential miss use of information provided to public access report .... You right ... this survey its all about injures ... and where that would be fine when mixed with other questions that would show how safe this sport is comparing to many popular sports like mountain biking or skiing and showing how popular it is all around word , sitting alone could be used by officials to close our spots and ban from parks and beaches .... also many who was not injured would not fill up this survey since there is no questions for them and result in false data ....

bobalooie57 - 3-8-2014 at 10:15 AM

Sometimes I think most insurance companies would like to send everyone a survey, asking, "Do you ever go outside?" or "Have you ever lived in the now?" and use your answer as a basis for whether or not they should insure you, or for how much $$$???

cheezycheese - 3-8-2014 at 10:40 AM

This is not the first time this survey has appeared.

riffclown - 3-8-2014 at 10:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cheezycheese  
This is not the first time this survey has appeared.

Yes, it rolls through every few months or so with a new spin to try and get us to publicize and sensationalize any injuries while ignoring any other factors.

Extreme - 3-8-2014 at 11:12 AM

Extreme - 3-8-2014 at 11:14 AM

riffclown - 3-8-2014 at 11:49 AM

Sorry, I'm personally not buying it..
Nothing good can come from filling out this INJURY survey.. It can only serve to injure the sport.. It doesn't matter who you are or your intentions. Even if your intentions are entirely noble, that aggregate collection of data is bound to be on someone's litigation list sooner or later.

The same type of information collection was tried here some months back. Others are free to their own opinion but IMO, this is more dangerous to the sport than the sport itself..


SpecialK - 3-8-2014 at 11:50 AM

From a quick 5 minute search, he appears to be claiming to be Francesco Feletti of the university of Bologna.

Reference(s): http://www.arepub.com/US%20Open%20Sports%20Science%20Journal... and http://apc8.imingo.net/index.php?topic=170.5;wap2

His most recent paper was Multiple Injuries in Paramotoring: a Case Report to Assess this Sport's Risks

You can see his other work here:

Not sure what to make of it, but since I don't kite buggy, I'm going to stay out of it. I thought i'd provide the info to the rest of you and let you make you're own decisions about his intent and your participation.

riffclown - 3-8-2014 at 12:12 PM

Was in 2006..

Several other instances of this injury data gathering for doctoral dissertations have been removed over time (and in my opinion, rightfully so.)

I would feel like dirt if a survey I participated in led to the local community banning kites because they read about all of the risks and injuries. I realize I'm only speaking for me but I' d really like to hear how publicizing the injuries can lead to acceptance.

WELDNGOD - 3-8-2014 at 12:20 PM

I highly doubt there is anything else that could make kite buggying any safer. Jeff came up with a great auto QR . We have DE-power kites now. The rest is on us as individuals to NOT do stupid things. I see no good coming from a compilation of injuries being published.

Extreme - 3-8-2014 at 02:02 PM

The only way to improve the care and rehabilitation in our beautiful sports is that the medical literature (PubMed) know about them.
Unfortunately nobody is interested in medical problems until he is inside of them.
No matter, it is not a big problem if you don't want to take part to this research: I apologize for the disturbance caused!

Good Wind!


WELDNGOD - 3-8-2014 at 04:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Extreme  
The only way to improve the care and rehabilitation in our beautiful sports is that the medical literature (PubMed) know about them.

Sounds dubious to me...

So what you're saying is Doctors don't know a damn thing about medicine, if they don't have a list of injuries caused by said sport????
I don't know how far into the dark ages Italy is. But in the good ole USA , doctors know how to fix just about any part you can break or injure. Do tell how this list will help out.
And IF you are a kiter,then tell us about your gear/kites. Show us some vids/pics of you kiting. Surely someone in the world community of kiting can vouch for you. And IF you are really a kiter ,then you WILL understand our reluctance @ giving out info that could and will be used against us.

rocfighter - 3-8-2014 at 05:30 PM

Hey Extreme work on a cure for A.L.S. I will be your friend forever. By the way, I do kite buggy and I enjoy it when I am able to do it.

Bladerunner - 3-8-2014 at 05:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rocfighter  
Hey Extreme work on a cure for A.L.S. I will be your friend forever. By the way, I do kite buggy and I enjoy it when I am able to do it.


There are far more important things to study !

Like WG says, doctors already know how to fix most injuries that a kite buggier is likely to encounter. On the RARE occasion that an injury even occurs.

shehatesmyhobbies - 3-8-2014 at 05:58 PM

So glad that no one is participating in this yet again. For those who started NAPKA and any other groups associated with kiting or wind, this is the one thing that could doom our sport and gaining the ability to ride in different areas if the information is portrayed in the wrong way.

I think many strides have been made to make this sport much more "safe" for those who participate. The key to safety as someone else stated is our own personal ability to keep from doing something stupid, and having excellent gear to use. Said with the utmost respect for my fellow liters

hiaguy - 3-8-2014 at 07:18 PM

I once slammed my thumb in a car door = cars are dangerous mode of transportation :puzzled:

Getting bumps and scrapes are a part of being alive. Every time my kids have complained of a "boo boo", I've congratulated them for doing "whatever".

soliver - 3-8-2014 at 08:04 PM

I got an email from that guy... Looked too much like a scam so I promptly deleted it.

awindofchange - 3-8-2014 at 10:04 PM

Either a scammer or a lawyer....you decide if there is a difference. I can see an ambulance chaser looking for a quick buck, gaining info from the very community that uses kites to verify his legal tactics. Either way this can not be anything good for our sport.

abkayak - 4-8-2014 at 05:19 AM

hia...sorry about the thumb:thumbup: