Windy Heap - 12-9-2014 at 11:50 AM
Two stellar objects collided into a sheer act of well oiled engineering genius.
I had a VERY nice Peter Lynn ribbed stake, much nicer than a round rod to hold a kite into the beach, as the 1/4" golf ball rod models just easily
pull through the soft sand.
But alas, my steak, errrr stake, (I'm bbq ribs) had no belt holder sheath.
Procuring a PVC pipe fitting in a container a mere 5 feet away, it provided a 1" pvc with smaller threaded center T-portion. pull through a sewn
Velcro strap later, and bam.
A replacement belt stake holder.
Now shameless plug for Big Mikes, who stocks the peter lynn ribbed stakes, cheap at $15 imho........but his come with the silly black nylon boring
factory mainstream belt holders..........
I've bought two of these from him. they're very nice with twin factory Velcro straps perfect for mount on a buggy rail or your belt.
or you can use stylish trailer park PVC pipe...
BeamerBob - 12-9-2014 at 02:34 PM
Be careful attaching a stake to your waist while kiting. Imagine the ways that could go wrong.
Windy Heap - 12-9-2014 at 03:16 PM
yup yup yup,
geezus one could wind up sounding like one of the Bee Gee's and hitting those high notes!