Power Kite Forum

How about a ROLL CALL?

rocfighter - 22-9-2014 at 12:17 PM

Hey every one it's really time to start getting excited. Who is coming to play in the sticky itchy damned sand?

bugymangp - 22-9-2014 at 02:25 PM

Of course me and the wife will there she's the one in the manta sailer
I'm up to date

MikeDobbs - 22-9-2014 at 05:46 PM

Janet and I are planning on being there :thumbup:

With a blokart too!!! :cool:

shehatesmyhobbies - 22-9-2014 at 05:59 PM

Of course I will be there!

soulflyr - 22-9-2014 at 08:19 PM


mainekite2 - 23-9-2014 at 03:00 AM

Oh yea

cheezycheese - 23-9-2014 at 04:11 AM

Rolling, rolling, rolling....

sorry.. I can't resist this repost for rollcall

skimtwashington - 23-9-2014 at 04:49 AM


Roll call? Sept 19 was 'Talk like a Pirate Day'..

skimtwashington - 23-9-2014 at 04:55 AM

Kober - 23-9-2014 at 05:28 AM

Will try to get there on Wednesday .... My brother is planning to stop by on Saturday ....

skimtwashington - 23-9-2014 at 06:43 AM

Kober's brober?

vaultingbassist - 23-9-2014 at 06:52 AM

Hey guys, new guy here coming in Friday night for Saturday and Sunday. Looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully getting a lot better at this sport!

jrhook - 23-9-2014 at 07:10 AM

We're in...Yawzer! Yawzer! Yawzer!

shehatesmyhobbies - 23-9-2014 at 10:03 AM

Vaulting, and any others that haven't done so or need to update, (Brandon):D please make sure you sign up for NAPKA before you come if you can. It helps me out a ton. Our insurance doesn't work so well if people are not members.

Glad to hear there are several new people that are coming. You will all be changing your vacation plans next year to make sure you will be at WBB!

See you soon

abkayak - 23-9-2014 at 10:35 AM

got it....will be taken care of...hey did you see that bacon stuffed pork chop...sick

shehatesmyhobbies - 23-9-2014 at 10:43 AM

I knew you would Brandon. I missed the pork chop. That sounds good

vaultingbassist - 23-9-2014 at 11:37 AM

Registered last night, just need to scan the waiver and I'll email it tomorrow.

shehatesmyhobbies - 23-9-2014 at 12:29 PM


new guy/gals

skimtwashington - 23-9-2014 at 01:00 PM

have to sing the schaefer jingle..

flyhighWNY - 23-9-2014 at 05:22 PM

I'm So ready!!

hiaguy - 23-9-2014 at 05:32 PM

Aren't we there yet?
I had a great couple of "practice sessions" this weekend :wee: - but it's just not the same without the rest of you. :no:

...21... !

flyhighWNY - 23-9-2014 at 07:12 PM

I'm So ready!!

flyguy0101 - 24-9-2014 at 08:19 AM

I'm THERE- cant wait to put my butt in the bug and see everyone. by howards math then its

Only 20 days to go!!!!!

rocfighter - 24-9-2014 at 08:55 AM

Is Howards math the same as US math? Or are metric days different?
How come every time I spell Howard's name it says I spelled it wrong? It suggests Coward, Hobard, & Hoard. So what is correct?

cheezycheese - 29-9-2014 at 06:19 AM

Won't be long now.... 15 days and a wakeup....

aronma - 29-9-2014 at 03:29 PM

I'll be there Wednesday :thumbup:

BEC - 29-9-2014 at 03:58 PM

I can't make it...I got a flat tire :P

hiaguy - 29-9-2014 at 05:52 PM

Is that a problem? Get there on two wheels!

See you there in


skimtwashington - 29-9-2014 at 08:25 PM

more roll call..

buggydanny - 29-9-2014 at 09:04 PM

I am looking forward to the coming bash, I really miss my kite family.

Have started watching past bash videos and it is getting me ready.

See everyone in a few weeks.

skimtwashington - 30-9-2014 at 03:16 PM

Get on the Bus Danny!

cheezycheese - 4-10-2014 at 06:56 PM

This is a very short rsvp list... where is everybody..?

flyhighWNY - 5-10-2014 at 12:08 AM

on my way to be your "Prep Cook"

roll call

podsds - 5-10-2014 at 08:09 AM

My back is out, won't be able to make it this session.
I'm totality bummed

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-10-2014 at 03:33 AM

Only 8 days till it's time to roll out!

rocfighter - 6-10-2014 at 09:49 AM

Steve that sucks. I hope it is a temporary thing and not that it has quit out right. Get better soon so we can ride at Hammonasset this winter. Plus maybe some frozen water riding.

WELDNGOD - 6-10-2014 at 12:54 PM

I might be able to get there early Sat. and leave Sun.Morning. I might need to crash on somebody's sofa.
If not ,I will send a representative.

rocfighter - 6-10-2014 at 07:46 PM

Any one will be happy to have you crash in there room. You know your welcome to any space we have. Though not much!!

hiaguy - 14-10-2014 at 04:53 AM

Off the grid, and on the road.
See y'all at the Shalimar :wee:

flyhighWNY - 14-10-2014 at 05:35 AM

AWESOME!!~! Howard I shall see you soon. DITTO see everyone at The Shalimar and/or on the BEACH!!!

flyhighWNY - 14-10-2014 at 05:35 AM

AWESOME!!~! Howard I shall see you soon. DITTO see everyone at The Shalimar and/or on the BEACH!!!

cheezycheese - 14-10-2014 at 06:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by WELDNGOD  
I might be able to get there early Sat. and leave Sun.Morning. I might need to crash on somebody's sofa.
If not ,I will send a representative.

Hey Donnie, I got you covered !! Come on up !!

abkayak - 14-10-2014 at 11:43 AM

seems Gonzalo will show making this a dont miss event...whos up for some on shores:D

cheezycheese - 14-10-2014 at 11:47 AM


abkayak - 14-10-2014 at 12:13 PM

always be on a first name basis w/ the named storms...he will be providing us our fun