Aaeolien - 11-10-2014 at 10:16 AM
Wow fun fun. Skydog 5.0 plus 10mph plus beach sand equals an insanely good time. The morning started with real light breezes maybe 5mph. I had flown
the kite earlier in the week in real light wind (3mph if I was lucky) so knew what to expect first thing this morning. So tossed it up in the air and
landed a few times trying to get the brakes adjusted to what feels comfortable for me. Still working on this. LOL Anyway breeze piped up just a bit
more and after tossing my symphony 2.2.4 around for a few minutes went back up with the 5.0. Few 5 to 10 foot scuds ensued. Wind kicks up a bit more
now its probably around 10. nice and steady no crazy gustiness. Now on passes thru the power zone we are looking at 15 to 20 foot scuds. Crazy fun.
Last flight which was borderline wind wise had bumped up 12 to 15 had 30 to 40 foot scuds across the power zone at sand blasting in my face speed.
Just so much fun but at this point of the session (we were out there for almost 3 hours between the symphony and the 5) I had pretty tired arms so
just landed and called it a day after a couple of passes. Super awesome though.
Anyways now I have a couple of questions. LOL Brake lines. I feel like there wasn't a ton of brakes but if I made the brake lines tighter they were
on all the time and made the kite fly pretty wonky. Anything I should look at or try other than the obvious ensuring all the line lengths are equal
and there is no tangles in the bridles?
2nd question, which I am sure is connected to the first. Every once in a while from zenith kite would get into a counter clockwise death spiral and
just propeller towards the ground. Extremely hard to recover from if you could recover at all. Any ideas?
The answers could very well be lack of flying skills and will work themselves out as I fly more, which is fine. Just looking at ideas of what to look
for if its something else. Thanks in advance for any info.
rocfighter - 11-10-2014 at 10:47 AM
When you get a bit more control and you want some more power or your ready to buggy in low winds let me know. Skydog kites have a new larger selection
of traction kites out this year.
aronma - 11-10-2014 at 12:55 PM
Sounds like you might be pulling the breakline and not realize it. I'm assuming you're flying on handles. If so, try holding the handle so the line
runs between your pointer and middle fingers. The bottom of the handles may float forwards, let them unless you want to add some break pressure.
If you pull in your handle and apply some break, the kite will turn faster.
Aaeolien - 11-10-2014 at 08:11 PM
Thanks Aron that is definetly possible. I try to hold the handles like that and always have. I'll try to pay more attention to it if I get out
tomorrow. Supposed to be light winds but real light. Lol
rocfighter - 13-10-2014 at 08:01 AM
The Skydogs tend to enjoy a little brakes. I fly most of mine with a touch of brakes just enough to keep the lines tight. TheKidd runs with is on full
front line power most of the time and only uses his break lines to turn. He flies them like a race kite I suppose. He also spends most of his time
hooked in.
I generally just hold on and go. Unless I am going on a long upwind run. I am looking forward to this coming week at WBB!