Power Kite Forum

Looking for 2ish m 4 Line in "Girly" Colors

vaultingbassist - 28-10-2014 at 05:38 AM

Hey guys,

I'm looking to pick up a 2ish m (or around that size) for me and my girlfriend to fly in higher winds. When we were at WW we saw the Beamer III 2m (I think) in a purple color that my girlfriend really liked.

So I'm looking for something like that: around 2m, ideally in pink/purple/yellow/etc, and preferably 4 line. Let me know what you may be interested in selling!


indigo_wolf - 28-10-2014 at 02:12 PM


WELDNGOD - 28-10-2014 at 02:22 PM

Get the PKD Buster soulfly. They are great beginner kites and when the wind starts to kick up you can do this....

Yeah, I got a punk sting 1.7m too. But it will NEVER be sold.
My wife would kill me.

vaultingbassist - 29-10-2014 at 05:23 AM

Thanks for the replies! I had completely forgotten about the soulfly :embarrased:

rtz - 29-10-2014 at 05:35 AM

It's a great deal for the price. It's lower then Pansh even due to the handle/line price.

WELDNGOD - 29-10-2014 at 12:46 PM

And it is a waaaaay better kite than a Pansh.