Power Kite Forum

Good kite for buggy, size 2 ~ 2.5

leebrianh - 8-1-2007 at 11:09 AM

What would be a good kite for buggy, between size 2.0 ~ 2.5 that works ok with a bar?

I have Sami II 2M but it doesn't go upwind well. Thought about Yakuza 2.2M but I don't think it works well with a bar since it needs break input. Another option would be Flexifoil Rage 2.5 but what else other than Ozone or Flexifoil is out there, good for buggy and stable enough to use with a bar?

ripsessionkites - 8-1-2007 at 12:27 PM

my two cents, U-Turn Butan 2.5 ... setup with a UDS, works good on a bar

also a Gin Yoz II UDS 2.6

Pablo - 8-1-2007 at 06:17 PM

You can always put your 2m sammy on a cross over bar setup. power lines to the bar ends, put pulleys on the bar ends as well and run the left brake line from the right flying line, through the pulley then to the left brake line. Set it up so the brake lines are just a littel slack when the kite's at zenith, when you turn left, for every 1" of flying line you pull in you'll get close to 2" of left brake.

Works awesome, unfortunately no pics of my setup yet. I gotta get some pics up soon, works awesome though, I've been flying my 9m Buster this way on a 45cm bar and the thing will loop no problem.

For replacement kite ideas, the Buster II's fly great on a bar without any brake input and go upwind fairly well, Brooza's can handle all sorts of crappy winds, go upwind quite well, still fairly fast and do ok without brake input.

Pablo - 8-1-2007 at 06:35 PM

Black line is the bar, blue lines are the main flying line leaders, for the average bar these will have to be be approx 18" long.

Red line - Left brake leader, runs through pulley on the left bar end and larks headed onto the right flying leader.

Yellow Line. Right brake leader, runs through pulley on the right bar end and larks headed onto the left flying leader.

Green line, attach a line from one brake leader to the other, must have a little slack in it. Have a pulley that can run down this green line, attach another line from the pulley through the bar to your safety.

It'll take some trial and error to get it set up perfectly, but they really do work awesome, worth the effort to figure out and the only way to fly a kite that loves brake input on a bar without losing performance.

leebrianh - 9-1-2007 at 11:31 AM

Awesome drawing, Pablo. I should try this on my BladeIV for faster turn.

Bladerunner - 9-1-2007 at 05:41 PM

Pab's set my 7m bullet up and it works great. I think I prefer the bar on rollerblades + skis. You can even still play both brakes at once to pull back in the window by tugging the safety a bit. I highly recomend giving it a go. All it costs is 3 pulleys and some line + rope. Easy to revert back but you won't want to !!!

acampbell - 10-1-2007 at 07:34 AM

Pablo, thanks for the diagram. Where did you get the pulleys? Local marine store? (I'm thinking snatch blocks for a dinghy sailor)
Or other specialty source?

Bladerunner - 10-1-2007 at 10:43 AM

I started out with some from cheap ones from the hardware shop. The line had a habit of getting caught off track so I picked better ones up at a local climbing shop.
I found the brake line pulley benefits from a swivel for rotation.

Pablo - 10-1-2007 at 11:02 PM

I've just been running the cheapo $2.00 ones from the local car shop.

domdino - 14-1-2007 at 02:04 PM

dunno if you can still get em, but i know a lot of buggiers who swore by PKD century's back in england. Should be nice and cheap now too since they are a little bit older...

khooke - 26-1-2007 at 10:56 PM

I bought a 4.5 Century from Scoop and it is a super awesome kite, an absolute dream to buggy with - if a smaller one is anywhere as near as good as the 4.5 then it would be a sweet kite to have. I'd like to get a couple more if I had the funds :-)