Aurelian17 - 16-1-2015 at 04:54 PM
Buna, doresc sa cumpăr un zmeu universal:pentru apa, zăpadă exemplul Pansh Adam,Aurora,Geneza sau altele cu 4linii si bara folosit peste 5m, bun mai ieftin 100$-150$ Va mulțumesc mult! mail.
indigo_wolf - 16-1-2015 at 06:43 PM
Romanian ---> English:
"Hi, I want to buy a universal kite: water, snow example Panshi Adam, Aurora,
Genesis and others with 4linii and used over 5m bar, good cheaper $ 100 $ -150 Thank you so much mail. Cucoş.aurelian @"
grigorib - 17-1-2015 at 01:15 PM
Tough call for this price range. I can offer a Peter Lynn Waterfoil 5.7m
It's a closed cell kite intended for quad line use on water, land or snow (not a depower kite though unless you use Ozone Turbo bar)
The kite is in good condition however it requires a 4 inches seam repair in one place which I can't sew myself.
It comes as a kite only and it is $100 plus shipping
Aurelian17 - 13-2-2015 at 08:35 AM
mulțumesc mult ,dar daca nu era rupt era bine nu va supărați!!!
grigorib - 13-2-2015 at 03:33 PM
no problem. I guess I'll get the stitch repaired and post it then