Power Kite Forum

3m Flexifoil Blade III

SecondWind - 13-1-2007 at 07:31 PM

What a fun kite. I got to try one out last week in 18 - 25 mph winds.

This little sucker gets wicked when the winds pick up. :evil:

I was able to get in some great pendulum jumps when flying static. In the buggy, it was too much for me due to the gusty winds. I finally realized this once it picked me out (not strapped in at the time) of the buggy when I was doing 20mph across the soccer fields.

I'm not sure why Flexifoil did not make a 3m Blade IV - maybe they just did not sell enough of them (like the 10.5 Blade III also).

Here's a pic showing the 3m on the left and a 4.9m on the right:

I think this would make a great first power kite also. You could first bring it out in low winds and then slowly work your way up. And it will not get boring - especially in good winds :thumbup:

B-Roc - 14-1-2007 at 11:55 AM

Dude, I am more than just a little jealous of the kites you either own, have owned or get to fly. :wow: How do you do it?

SecondWind - 14-1-2007 at 01:10 PM

Hey B-Roc,

This stuff is addictive! However, I’m totally going to try and simplify in 2007! With a 7m and 13m Pulse I think I’ll have my winds covered. Then just a mountainboard, kiteboard and a buggy and that’s it. :spin:

Scoopy - 19-1-2007 at 06:19 AM

Hes lying, you should hear the kite (cracklike) addict callin the shop!! Hes like a madman after all these kites... ;)


SecondWind - 19-1-2007 at 06:28 AM

Scoop - you are the one who sold me the first one! It's your fault I'm addicted :yes:

tridude - 19-1-2007 at 07:55 PM


I understand you're getting a sweet 400 Bego. I bought Da Vs 600 and what a horse! Great air time--big big jumps and nice floaty landings (if you redirect on your way up!). Good luck with her, and dont forget ronstan pulleys/power rings! If you dont like her let me know and Ill take her off your hands! Get ready for some big big air!

IMAG0095.JPG - 103kB

B-Roc - 21-1-2007 at 08:26 PM

Hey Tridude, yes I am getting the 400. Joe tells me you are doing huge jumps on the 600.

Can't wait for the 400 to arrive. But of course, now that a new kite is on the way, the temps are freezing and I'm sure the winds will drop off for a while - never seem to be able to coordinate my kite purchases with mother nature's wind speeds, if you know what I mean :wink2:

SecondWind - 21-1-2007 at 08:46 PM

Same here - every time I get in a new kite, it either rains or there is absolutely no wind... :puzzled: