Power Kite Forum

JIBE Tradin' Post

pokitetrash - 27-4-2015 at 07:59 AM

Hey I can bring some tables again and set them up at the Kite Fort if folks want to lay stuff out that they want to sell or trade during JIBE.

I'll try to find some tags to use to label your stuff.

Also you can post here to let folks know what you have to sell that you plan to bring.

acampbell - 27-4-2015 at 08:33 AM

Sure Chris; sounds great. I'll have a bunch of stuff too. I'm sure we'll have no problem with the JIA as long as we don't post commercial signage.

I'll also bring stuff like my remaining stock of buggy/ ATB hardware to treat the occasional breakdown (or those who loose or forget critical parts)

Demoknight - 27-4-2015 at 10:35 AM

Angus, do you have any PL wheels left over? I would have a second running buggy if I had a set of wheels. Two 20mm either barrows or extra wides would get it rolling. I already have a barrow for the front 12mm.

pokitetrash - 27-4-2015 at 11:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Demoknight  
Angus, do you have any PL wheels left over? I would have a second running buggy if I had a set of wheels. Two 20mm either barrows or extra wides would get it rolling. I already have a barrow for the front 12mm.

X2 for 3 barrows for me too but I'm looking for used/cheap 12mm.

Demoknight gets DIBS though... :saint:

acampbell - 27-4-2015 at 12:02 PM

Me gots 3x Extra Wides with 20mm bearings from the old Ivanpah and Demoknight can use them at JIBE.

Chris, think about asking Chris Schultz at HQ USA if he is coming down and can bring some. they keep a good stock of PL Buggy Spares

flyguy0101 - 27-4-2015 at 12:36 PM

I don't think the HQ guys are making it this year- I saw Chris at Wildwood and I thought he said he could not make it this year. As we all know it is his loss.:D

soliver - 1-5-2015 at 06:52 AM

Hey guys, does anyone coming have a Buggy Bag they might be willing to part with?... I've always had an issue with how to take my few things along with and keep them dry. I have a bag I've always used but it doesn't keep things dry and alway ends up sagging WAY down.

Ideally I'd like a PL buggy bag, as those seem most common, but I'm not opposed to other options that may suit my buggy.

U2U me.

BEC - 1-5-2015 at 07:09 AM

I'm not going...just chiming in....Ask Rich or Rian as he had a couple of really nice buggy bags from the company in the UK....maybe it would fit your buggy....You could also see if any of the Best Bag offers are still for sale....back pack that could double duty as a kite bag on the back. Check out FlyGuyO101 while you are there. Have fun at Jibe ;)

Quote: Originally posted by soliver  
Hey guys, does anyone coming have a Buggy Bag they might be willing to part with?... I've always had an issue with how to take my few things along with and keep them dry. I have a bag I've always used but it doesn't keep things dry and alway ends up sagging WAY down.

Ideally I'd like a PL buggy bag, as those seem most common, but I'm not opposed to other options that may suit my buggy.

U2U me.

rdavis - 1-5-2015 at 08:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BEC  
Ask Rich or Rian as he had a couple of really nice buggy bags from the company in the UK

Sorry, I don't have anymore of those buggy bags left. You could always contact them at buggybags.co.uk and they can custom make one for you. It can be a bit expensive, but the quality/craftsmanship is top notch, so you're getting a really nice product for your money.

markite - 1-5-2015 at 09:35 AM

Spencer, Angus may still have one (PL dry bag) to clear out, if he doesn't and you want I can bring one along for you
let me know U2U or email me - I'm packing the car now and hoped to be packed by late afternoon so we can hit the road early tomorrow.

soliver - 1-5-2015 at 03:28 PM

He doesn't, I already emailed him :no:

I just sent you an email, so yeah if you have one to spare, please bring me one and I'll buy it from you there... if you need me to paypal you the funds before you come I can do that.

kiteballoon - 1-5-2015 at 04:14 PM

If anyone is interested, I should have 2 or 3 bars available. These would be bar only, no lines. 2 are of the peter lynn variety, and I think one is an ocean rodeo.

tridude - 1-5-2015 at 05:57 PM

I have 3 kiteboards available and 1 waist harness

Xenon 139x40........excellent for wake style tricks....Flexi tips slight rocker flat bottom (no channels) excellent low and top end..................$375
Wainman Joke 141x41 rocked out for waves and chop.........$350
Dimitri Pro 136x48 this is a great range board I call it the mini door excellent low and top end good in waves chop.............$275

ION 2 waist harness w/leash size medium.......solid rig for hooked and unhooked riding tricks................$80

U2u email or see me at JIBE:lol::lol::smilegrin:

Cheeks - 1-5-2015 at 07:12 PM

Will have a few things for the yard sale. A 21x12x8 new bigfoot tire, several bars, a kite board and a 16m Neish with harness, 12m Cabrina Nitro, and a wheel, cracked. (good for a man cave wall art).

speleopower - 2-5-2015 at 01:11 PM

If I can fit it in the van I have a Cabrina 5'5" directional. $200 or best offer.

3shot - 2-5-2015 at 01:39 PM

I have a buggy splash guard that attaches to the down tube. Works on straight or goose neck. $10 bucks

TEDWESLEY - 3-5-2015 at 07:09 AM

How about a three Beamer quiver? 2.5,3.5 and 5m $150. A newbie's starter set.

bobalooie57 - 3-5-2015 at 07:21 AM

^This has got to be the best "Newbie" deal I've ever seen on here! Good one Ted!

ColinW - 3-5-2015 at 10:07 AM

Sent a u2u to http://www.powerkiteforum.com/member.php?action=viewpro&... but this is my first attempt at this so I thought I'd repost here. Sorry if I'm doing things wrong...

Hi Ted,
My name is Colin Wilson.
I live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Is there any way that you would consider selling the 3 beamers to me and shipping them. I have been flying stunt kites most of my life, and in the last couple years have procured a couple 4 line kites ( really old skytiger, and Quadrifoils), but I'm starting to realize that design and size are everything in kite choice.
From what I have read, I think these kites would be a perfect match for my skill level. I am hoping to try buggying, but don't have one, and don't know anyone who does. I was thinking about contacting some of the forum members in vacouver (1.5 hr ferry ride away), but kites first...
Thanks for your cosideration.
