acampbell - 1-5-2015 at 07:29 PM
I know several folks are rolling in to town Saturday (tomorrow morning). I have to work in the morning but Joan and I plan to be out at the beach in
the early afternoon. We'll see you out there. We will prolly put in at Great Dunes and walk north to Kite Beach.
Anyway, my cell is 912-577-3920 (or use my published Coastal Wind Numbers) if anyone wants to check up or coordinate. Mostly I will be able to take
calls in the morning at work if anyone has questions or needs directions.
Everybody travel safe and have fun.
Oh, and TriDude is right; you need sunscreen. Even if temps are cool (for us, the 80's are cool). The sand is like snow and reflects it all over you.
Weather looks great. Let the games begin!
TEDWESLEY - 2-5-2015 at 05:53 AM
We'll see you at the usual place. Great to be back !